Community Dinner - Tuesday 6/6/23

Join us on Tuesday, June 6th at 6pm for a delicious free meal of Susie’s Famous Ham Salad, egg salad, pasta salad and more. Doors open at 5:30 for drinks and popcorn.

Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend. Share this post. Hope to see you there!

St. Paul’s is located at 1000 Michigan Avenue but please enter from Harrison Street. Feel free to email with any questions.

Bishop Doug's Visitation - 5/14/23

What a glorious celebration of the Eucharist with Confirmations and Receptions by Bishop Doug Sparks. We welcomed 5 new members (officially) to St. Paul’s Episcopal Church today. Praise the Lord.

(Left-Right) Jean Burns (sponsor), Sandra Provan (sponsor), Ann McDermott (received), Mother Michelle Walker, Bishop Doug Sparks, Joel Gay (confirmed), Eloise Gay (received), Lynn Grenough (received), and Paul Werner (confirmed).

Welcome to St. Pual’s!

A congregational picture with the Bishop!

Community Dinner - Tuesday 5/16/23

Join us on Tuesday, May 16th at 6pm for a delicious free meal of chicken and noodle casserole with all of the sides! Doors open at 5:30 for drinks and popcorn.

Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend. Share this post. Hope to see you there!

St. Paul’s is located at 1000 Michigan Avenue but please enter from Harrison Street. Feel free to email with any questions.

CANCELLED - First Friday Concert Series - May 5, 2023

*** Due to the sudden and tragic death of one of the performers on Wednesday evening, Bob Richter, we have cancelled the May First Friday performance. Please keep Bob's family, especially his sister, sons, and their families, in your prayers.

And look for our second year of First Friday Concerts to begin in September. Have a wonderful summer! ***

The final performance in the First Friday Concert series for 2022-23 will be Friday, May 5, at 12:10 p.m. at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1000 Michigan Ave., La Porte.

It will feature Rose Marie Dure and some of the many artists she has had the joy of accompanying during the more than 50 years she has lived in La Porte. Dure has been involved in many area theaters for a long time and she is retired from music ministries at the First United Methodist Church in La Porte.

Performers at this concert will be Nick Bello, Bruce Johnson, Susie Richter, Bob Richter, Charles Steck, Dure's daughter, Regina Smelser, and her grandson, Michael Smelser.

Dure sees the event as an opportunity to thank those she has accompanied over the years, making music has always been her goal.

There is no charge to attend, but a free-will offering will be gratefully accepted to fund future events.

The Set List:

1. Charles Steck - flugelhorn, Reflections - James M. Stephenson

2. Robert Richter - baritone, Can’t Help Falling in Love - Weiss, Peretti, Creatore

3. Susie Richter - soprano, Tammy - Livingston and Evans

4. Nick Bello - baritone, My Way - Revaux and Francois

5. Regina Smelser - piano duets ,Fly Me to the moon- Howard/Leonard, Autumn Leaves - Kosma/Leonard      

6. Michael Smelser - baritone/guitar, I Can Only Imagine - Bart Millard

7. Bruce Johnson - Tenor, Stardust - Hoagy Carmichael

Community Dinner - Tuesday 5/2/23

Join us on Tuesday, May 2nd at 6pm for a delicious free meal of ham, potato salad, coleslaw, brownies, ice cream, and more! Doors open at 5:30 for drinks and popcorn.

Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend. Share this post. Hope to see you there!

St. Paul’s is located at 1000 Michigan Avenue but please enter from Harrison Street. Feel free to email with any questions.

Community Dinner - Tuesday 4/18/23

Join us on Tuesday, April 18th at 6pm for a delicious free meal of salads and more! Turkey salad, taco salad, Asian salad and more are on the menu. Doors open at 5:30 for drinks and popcorn.

Everyone is welcome. Bring a friend. Share this post. Hope to see you there!

St. Paul’s is located at 1000 Michigan Avenue but please enter from Harrison Street. Feel free to email with any questions.

First Friday Concert Series - April 2023

The First Friday concert at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, 1000 Michigan Ave., has been moved to the second Friday of April, since the first Friday is Good Friday.

On April 14, Leigh Morris, an elder at the La Porte Presbyterian Church, will present “Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord” at St. Paul’s. He will invite attendees to heed John Wesley’s advice about hymn singing: “Sing lustily and with good courage,” as they join with him in singing hymns of celebration, adoration, gratitude, and praise.

He will provide insights about the origin and significance of each of the four featured hymns. John Gouwens, Organist and Choirmaster at St. Paul’s, will be the accompanist. The program begins at 12:10pm and will conclude by 1 pm.

Final iconography update - 4/9/23

Our icons are finished and were displayed on Easter morning for a blessing. What a fun and challenging journey this has been. Thank you Pastor Kris for your faithful leadership.

Palm Sunday Worship, 4/2/23

What a glorious celebration of the Liturgy of the Palms and a powerful reading of the Passion narrative. Thank you Deacon Debbi for a moving sermon that reminds us of the Messiah Jesus was and is. Onward now to Holy Week and the challenging realizations of how humanity treated the Divine then, and perhaps now as well ...