Our Leadership

The Rev. Cn. Michelle I. Walker

Mrs. Susie Richter
Senior Warden

Mr. Wayne Woodrick
Junior Warden

Mrs. Sue Cummings Treasurer & Volunteer Parish Administrator

Mrs. Sue Cummings
Treasurer & Volunteer Parish Administrator

Mr. John Gouwens Organist & Choirmaster

Mr. John Gouwens
Organist & Choirmaster

Back row - Paul Werner, Susie Richter (Sr. Warden), Debbie Ryan, Sandra Provan

Front row - Mtr. Michelle Walker, Wayne Woodrick (Jr. Warden), Lynn Grenough

Not pictured: Sue Cummings, Mike Konieczny

Our Vestry

  • 2022-2024 - Michael Konieczny, Debra Ryan

  • 2023-2025 - Sue Cummings, Sandra Provan

  • 2024-2026 - Lynn Grenough, Paul Werner

  • 2024 Leadership: Susie Richter, Sr. Warden, Wayne Woodrick, Jr. Warden

Vestry Minutes

Vestry Archives from May 2020 through the end of the most recent year are available at the above link.