Christ the Good Shepherd, the icon we will write together.
Christ the Bridegroom, an icon Mother Michelle created in 2016.
This Lent we will be taking a journey of Icon Writing on Thursday mornings at 9am (in the parish hall). The Orthodox Church has long used icons, special paintings of holy people or scenes, as worship and prayer. The creation of an icon is called "writing" because the icon is created meditatively and prayerfully, one brush stroke at a time. Pastor Kris Graunke, retired Episcopal priest, has held workshops for many local congregations and is thrilled to lead one for us.
Each Thursday we will gather to offer special prayers (icon prayers, if you will) and to work on our own individual icons. The size is approximately 8x10 and begins with preparing the surface, tracing the image onto the wood, and then slowly and carefully "writing" the image with paint brushes. I would never call myself an artist or a painter, but I successfully wrote one in 2016 that I'm quite fond of and keep in my home prayer space.
If you don't think writing an icon is for you, you are still welcome to stop by any Thursday in Lent (beginning 2/23) to watch a group of us do our best. If you choose to participate, a $25 donation covers the cost of supplies, which Pastor Kris will provide. I'm happy to cover that cost for anyone who would appreciate the assistance.