News from the Red Doors - July 17, 2020

Dear St. Paul's Family,

This past Sunday was an extremely busy and joy-filled Sunday for me.  As your priest I celebrated by first, and second, Eucharists in our beautiful sanctuary.  I wish you all could have been there.  I know you were all there in spirit and in prayer. 

It was such a privilege for me to celebrate at the exact altar where I first experienced an Episcopal Eucharistic service on Easter morning, March 30, 1997.  Never in a MILLION years, on that day, did I imagine I'd have the privilege I did this past Sunday.  I'm fairly certain the man I was dating then (Joe!) wouldn't have imagined it either.  Praise God for his many ways of surprising us! 

In speaking with a colleague earlier this week we reflected upon the weariness so many of us are experiencing in these pandemic days.  It's more of an emotional weariness than a physical one.  We discussed that because so many of the rules and guidelines to which we've structured our lives have changed, we are constantly adjusting to determine what is appropriate, what should be next, and how to keep everyone safe in the midst of it all.  Our minds are active with worry and planning, and hopefully above all with prayer.

For me, however, the counterpart to this weariness boils down to celebrating the things we can, like having 10 or so people in-person at church, and thoroughly enjoying them!  I believe the people that attended in-person this past Sunday would affirm that being in the church building was a blessing, and that our efforts to maintain social distancing and a clean, safe environment are going well.  I know they would tell you that the angelic voice of Mona Coalter, singing with a microphone from ANOTHER room (which is the only way it can happen) was a joy they hadn't expected.  I can also personally tell you that seeing a few familiar, and some new, faces was an incredible blessing to me and others.  To these things I cling and rejoice!  These things reduce my weariness!

On Sunday afternoon I had the pleasure of baptizing Dalton Thomas Floyd, son of Thomas and Mallory Floyd.  In the moment that I poured the water over his precious little head I was reminded that amidst all of the chaos in our lives right now -  baptisms still occur; babies still love water; and we can celebrate the faith we have even as we do so in new and different ways.  (See picture below.)

This coming Sunday we will hear the parable of the Wheat and the Weeds.  We will be reminded that the evil one lives among us and he plants the seeds that grow into the weeds that endeavor to choke out our faith.  My friends, when we celebrate our Lord and Savior, when we cling to our beliefs AND our community, the weeds are barely a bump along our Christian journey.  May we all remember that today, tomorrow, and always.


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 
