News from the Red Doors - July 31, 2020

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

This week has been a bustle of activity around the state as school systems are trying to determine how and where they should attempt to educate our students this fall.  It has been fascinating to see one school system make one decision while two others make entirely different decisions.  The truth is, there is not one correct answer in this complex environment we are living.  There is no guarantee regarding the progression of this virus.  Ultimately, we make the best decisions we can in any moment and pray for the best.

I was thinking about this, about making the best decision and praying for the rest, as I walked over to the church building yesterday.  I was lost deep in thought about our practices at St. Paul's; about whether we are close to the "orange" category and should revert to live streaming only; and about how we are to press on as a faith community in the midst of this - when nature grabbed my attention again. 

Just outside of the parish hall doors are the beautiful plants pictured above.  The lily is beautiful not only in the flower but in its growing so tall and strong with seemingly little support.   (It has a long thin stalk.)  The arborvitae also tells a tale of being planted just this year, with roots that need to take hold, and water that needs to fall from the sky.  Both of these plants not only survive the volatility of nature but also are cared for along the way by forces completely outside of their control.

I'm not trying to be overly philosophical friends, while at the same time it is moments like these - in stopping to notice the beauty around me, that I am reminded that everything happening in this big world is completely outside of my control.  I can waste precious energy in worrying about it.  Or I can simply make the best decisions possible, at every turn, and trust in a heavenly Father that loves me - all of us - more than we can imagine.

I admit it, I am weary of this pandemic.  I am also weary of the conspiracy theories, the arguments about masks and their efficacy, and the endless debates about how COVID-19 can kill one person while another person tests positive and doesn't even know they had it.  I'm weary of our world, our schools, our church services, our ability to go on vacation or have dinner out being determined by a virus unidentifiable by the human eye.

Beyond all of my weariness, however, is my faith.  I know someday we will look back on the year 2020 with many lessons learned; with relationships tested and proven; with growth we never would have imagined outside of these extraordinary circumstances.  We will see God's hand in this, somehow, someway.  We MAY even consider ourselves blessed  because of it!   May we keep each other deep in prayer now AND always and look forward to looking back!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226