News from the Red Doors - June 12, 2020

A HUGE Thank You to our Treasurer 

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This lady, our Treasurer Sue Cummings, deserves a round of applause.  She works tirelessly to keep things organized at the office while ensuring our deposits are made and our bills are paid - all as a volunteer.

I'm extremely grateful for Sue and her dedication to St. Paul's.  Thank you Sue!  Eventually I'll quit needing quite so much from you!  :)

This Week's Live Stream

We will again be live streaming this Sunday beginning at 8:50am with an organ prelude and our Morning Prayer service at 9am.  Join us via our St Paul's Facebook page or via Zoom. 

The digital worship guide for Sunday can be accessed through the button below. 

Digital Worship Guide

This Week at St. Paul's - Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

The weather was so beautiful on Thursday morning when I arrived at the office I couldn't resist a walk around the property with a couple stops to take pictures of our lovely flowers and greenery.  I often find that when things in life feel overly big I need to be reminded of God's grandeur in the simplicity and beauty of flowers and plants, in a beautiful day with singing birds, in a moment of solitude while standing in the breeze.  I enjoyed that on Thursday morning and wanted to share it with you!  May you also be reminded of God's grandeur!

Last Sunday we hosted our first ever live stream at St. Paul's.  It was exhilarating and exhausting.  I took a two-hour nap on Sunday afternoon!  It was so wonderful to be in the space and have John playing the organ.  And I'm only beginning to learn what it means to be an officiant/preacher WHILE also functioning as the tech(nology) person.  Your prayers in this process are appreciated.  And we WILL be live again this Sunday, so please stay tuned.

I'd also like to offer, to each and every one of you, an opportunity to sit, to talk and get to know each other, to be in prayer.  Other priests in our diocese have offered "Prayer in the Parking Lot" and found it to be a blessing.  Our parking lot is rather sunny and hot on a summery day, but I would be happy to meet you at the benches by the entrance to the parish hall, appropriately social distanced and wearing masks of course.  My St. Paul's days are Tuesdays and Thursdays and my time can be flexible (except Thursdays from 9am-10am when we have Morning Prayer and Bible Study).  So if you're interested, find a dry day.  Give me a call.  And I'll meet you at the benches!

Until then, know that you are in my prayers!

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226