News from the Red Doors - August 7, 2020

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Dear St. Paul's Family,

For the last week I have checked the new COVID-19 cases daily, as reported by the state each day at 11am here.  I have watched the average number of cases continue to climb.  As you know, on Tuesday we made the decision to prerecord our Sunday morning worship service (since I will be out of town).  I'm thankful we made that decision as we slipped into the ORANGE category on this week's Diocesan Determination graphic (see above), thereby limiting our ability to have even 10 people for in-person worship.  

This is the first time I've "produced" worship in this manner, so please have patience with me.  I welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how you enjoy it.  If we'd had a little more time and coordination we would have included singing for the hymn, although YOU are welcome to sing along!  I'm thankful to Fr. John, John Gouwens, and Sandra Provan for prerecording their pieces.  It takes each one of us!

As you know, I will be on vacation from today until next Friday.  We are traveling 3 hours into Michigan to visit my mother, who is hosting a small family graduation party for my daughter Elizabeth (whose high school graduation was July 19th).  We are then spending a few days in New Buffalo Michigan to have some family time before my high school junior, Abigail, returns to school on Thursday!  (We'll see if that really happens or not, and whether they return in-person or online.)  It's not quite a trip to Europe (which I love) but it is time away AND with my family (which I also love).  I appreciate your prayers for safe travels and COVID-19 FREE interactions!

On Thursday I will check the new determination letter and let you know whether we may have 10 people in attendance or live stream only for Sunday, August 16th.  Flexibility is key for all of us during this time. 

Please know that given the choice between Morning Prayer or Holy Eucharist on Sunday morning, I choose our Eucharistic tradition.  However, I also think it's important for the community to be present when we celebrate the Eucharist, even if only 10 people.  So my rule of thumb is this:  If 10 or so people can attend, we'll celebrate Eucharist otherwise we'll celebrate Morning Prayer.  They are both wonderful services that we can treasure in our tradition!

Dear friends, Fr. John's sermon on Sunday is right on topic as he shares his insights on the Matthean version of Peter's adventure walking on water.  I appreciated Fr. John's reminder about the mission of the church, global AND local, to have faith, take action, and leave the rest to God.  I trust you'll enjoy it as much as I did.


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226