News from the Red Doors - June 26, 2020

Diocesan eNews - June 2020 

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Diocesan eNews - June 2020

This Week at St. Paul's
- Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Saturday evening at 4:44pm CDT we all, unknowingly, transitioned from Spring to Summer as the Summer Solstice occurred.  For the Northern Hemisphere this means the sun has reached it's highest and most Northern point in the sky.  Saturday was the longest day of the year, in terms of the number of hours of daylight, with the shortest night.  It happened with or without our knowledge.  The season has changed.  It doesn't seem possible

To be honest, it's a bit startling to me.  There's a part of me that's still sitting back in the second week of March wondering what's going on and what is all of this talk about a pandemic!  Our world has changed so much since then.  It's been a whirlwind.  And here we go with another change ...

I'm delighted to share that Bishop Doug has provided his approval for in-person gatherings at St. Paul's beginning July 5th.  As long as the number of new cases remain low, we will be able to worship together, although differently.  It's going to be wonderful AND a challenge, I have no doubt.   Wearing masks.  Sitting in only designated locations.  Leaving your offering in a plate on the way in.  Not being able to sing.  Restraining ourselves from running to hug our neighbors.  It's all going to feel strange. 

However, our gathering together and offering prayers that are familiar to us - that will be the same.  Sitting in our beautiful church and listening to the amazing way the organ fills the air - that will be the same.  And seeing our fellow St. Paul's family - that will be same.  It will be wonderful AND different, even if you are joining us via live stream!

On Tuesday June 30th there will be a special edition News from the Red Doors detailing the guidelines and necessary information for regathering.  Please look for it and prayerfully consider your readiness to join us on the 5th.  

Until then, happy Summer my friends.   And we hope you can join us this Sunday, and every Sunday, for our live streamed service beginning at 8:50am with our organ prelude.  Have a wonderful day.


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226