News from the Red Doors - May 15, 2020

The Church has Indeed Left the Building
Mother Michelle Walker

The Church has left the building (2).png

Dear St. Paul's Family,

We all can use a reminder every once in a while that we, the church, are NOT the building in which we worship (as beautiful as she is!).  We, the church, are the people who claim Jesus as our Savior and know that we are saved by grace .  So when I came across the saying above in one of my communicators groups recently it hit home.  (in fact I posted this on our website and one the door to the parish hall!)  We have indeed left the building, although not by choice.  We have indeed left the building and we don't like it at all.  We have indeed left the building, and we can't wait to get back.

This week the first wave of regathering conversations began.  If you had a chance to read Thursday's email then you know there is a great deal to consider before returning to 1000 Michigan Avenue.  We will be putting together a team to assess all of the requirements along with our ability to meet them.  We are EAGER to return and we are equally committed to ensuring everyone's health and safety.  We will definitely keep you informed!

For now, if you are missing our beautiful church you are welcome to enjoy a series of pictures I took when I arrived at the office on Tuesday morning.  The morning light was so enchanting I couldn't resist capturing the way it broke through our stained glass windows and how it reflected off the tulips.  The pictures are available here:

In the meantime, be well my friends.  Call me if you need a prayer or a listening ear.  Soon, soon, we shall be together.

Love and prayers, 
Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226

A Message from Your Senior Warden

If you don't need your $1,200 from the government to buy groceries, or pay the rent, please consider either catching up or adding to your pledge with it. The church still has to pay salaries, utilities, insurance and the diocesan assessment, these bills don't stop because we are not meeting on Sundays. 

You can mail or drop off a check at the church office, 708 Harrison Street, or use the facility for paying on line on the church web site.

I encourage you to join the Zoom activities included in this e-mail, especially the virtual coffee hour at 10 a.m. Sunday. You can join this by phone if you don't have the internet.

God bless,
Sandra Provan
Senior warden