News from the Red Doors - May 29, 2020

A Special Thank You ...

This week's newsletter begins with a special, profound THANK YOU to our Senior Warden, Sandra Provan.  During these past couple of months she has been absolutely invaluable to me!  She's answered every question; assisted with or supported me on decisions none of us expected to be making; and patiently gone about all of the work necessary during this transitional time.  

THANK YOU Sandra.  I don't know what I would have done with out you!  You are a blessing and you are appreciated!

I couldn't be more excited to share ...

I couldn't be more excited to share that our Comcast installation today in the church was successful!  It's the first step of several in being able to live stream.  Praise the Lord for each small accomplishment along the way!  If the plan continues to go as scheduled it is my hope to live stream morning prayer on Sunday June 7th from St. Paul's (with only myself, John G., and one reader/acolyte).  Here we go ...

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

LaPorte County COVID 2020-05-27.png

The above graph is available at and displays New Cases by Day for LaPorte County.  It has become one of the websites I check every single day to see how our county is faring against COVID-19.  It is our measure for approval to regather for in-person services (remembering there must be a decline in new cases for 14 days).  It is also a precious moment to pray for those who have been affected by this virus and to be thankful that our numbers are a low as they are.

As your new priest, I have a deep desire to begin worshipping with you in-person.  This waiting is complicated and frustrating.  Learning new ways to be community during this time is complicated and frustrating.  And yet, as God teaches me over, over, and over again - patience and trust in Him are everything.  

This Sunday is Pentecost (wear red, if only to remind yourself!).  It is the day we commemorate the gift of the Holy Spirit.  The Gospel reading reminds me precisely that patience and trust in Him are everything.   

When it was evening on that day, the first day of the week, and the doors of the house where the disciples had met were locked for fear of the Jews, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you.” After he said this, he showed them his hands and his side. Then the disciples rejoiced when they saw the Lord. Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you.” When he had said this, he breathed on them and said to them, “Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.”  John 20:19-23 

As I read this passage in the context of our world today I can't help but wonder how many of us feel more like those disciples than we did three short months ago?  Like them, we are locked in our house for the fear (of COVID-19).  Like them, we hear Christ saying to us "Peace be with you." (through the reading of this Scripture).  Like them, we rejoice when we see the Lord (in virtual worship, in calls from friends, in our times of personal prayer).  And most importantly, like them, we are reminded that we have received the Holy Spirit.  Our comfort remains in the knowledge that we are never alone, even when we feel alone.  Patience, and trust in Him are ringing true again.  

So, as we press on through this pandemic, for however many more weeks or months, let us remember this:

  • it has always been about allowing Christ's peace to wash over us;

  • God's arms to embrace us;

  • and the Holy Spirit's presence to nudge us. 

Be well friends.  Stay safe.  We shall soon be together again!

Love and prayers, 
Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226

Worship Opportunities this Week

Please see our worship opportunities for the coming week below.

Morning Prayer.png
  • Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour from 10-10:30am ** Please note, on 5/31 the broadcasted service will be about 15 minutes longer so we won't begin Virtual Coffee hour until closer to 10:15am. **

  • Sunday Diocesan Morning Prayer at 9:15am, viewing with St. Paul's.    (The same Morning Prayer is also available at EDNIN Virtual Worship or the YouTube Channel.)

  • Thursday Morning Prayer from 9-9:20. 

  • The EDNIN Virtual Worship page continues to offer a robust schedule of Daily Office offerings.