News from the Red Doors - November 13, 2020

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

There's a lot going on around here in the last week or so:

  • We hosted an Election Day prayer vigil. Our continued prayers for the processing of the election and for our nation overall are important. Please keep praying.

  • I attended my first Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program (virtually) and started the readings.

  • I attended my second Fresh Start meeting (virtually). Fresh Start is a clergy group in the Diocese for all clergy that have stepped into new roles. This is my THIRD time attending Fresh Start, and I pray it is my last time for a good long season!

  • Last Tuesday my husband Joe helped our IT consultants run the wire from the Comcast modem in the sacristy to the the church office. The install is complete and I've been trained on the setup and given access to the infrastructure. Today I called Frontier to turn off the office internet. What a blessing the Technology Grant has been for us so that we pay for only one internet provider monthly now. Thank you!

  • And amidst it all, we have a potential tenant for the Rectory beginning in January. I'll share more details on that once things are official.

It has been a good and faithful week or so! It's hard to believe I've been your priest for more than 6 months now. I'm so thankful for this opportunity, and for each of you. It has been an unusual time of us all getting to know each other, and I long to be able to sit at table with each of you and hear your stories. Sometimes when I walk alone into that beautiful church building I feel breathless with the privilege I have to be here, with you, and our beautiful church building. Thank you God for this opportunity.

I sign-off this short article with a reminder that this Sunday, 11/15, we ask you to bring in your pledge cards, if you have not already done so. The good work we are doing, the people we are reaching and supporting, can not happen without YOU and your support. We are blessed to be in ministry during this time and in this place. Thank you for your support.
And if you still want to offer a donation to the Salvation Army food pantry, you have until 11/22 to do so. Please drop off or mail in a donation marked "Food Pantry" and we'll be sure to forward it on. We are blessed in so many ways, and blessed to be able to share as well.

Have a wonderful day and weekend. I hope to see you in-person or virtually on Sunday. Stay safe. Wear your mask. Say your prayers.

Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226