News from the Red Doors - November 27, 2020

From Your Senior Warden, Sandra Provan

What a difference a few days make! Not only in the weather, which was nice enough for me to play golf on November 19, but also in the Covid situation. Because of a possible Covid exposure, Mother Michelle is isolating at home and could not celebrate Holy Communion on Christ the King Sunday, November 22. But, she quickly put together the bulletin for Morning Prayer for that day, and Mike Konieczny printed them despite having to work; thank you Mike. Our organist, John Gouvens, did double duty as organist and AV (Audio Visual Tech), Margie Bender was the reader and Susie Richter was our soloist. We had a small congregation to celebrate the end of our Stewardship Campaign and to anticipate Thanksgiving Day.

Thank you to Joe Walker, who spent many hours blowing the leaves on church property to the side of the road, it looks very tidy, Joe, thank you!

We can now start working on the budget for 2021, thanks to the pledges we have received for next year. Thank you for your steadfast contributions, even if you cannot be in church. Who knows what the next few days or weeks may bring? I ask you to pray that this Covid pandemic will end soon and that we all stay safe.

God bless,
Sandra J. Provan
Senior warden

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

I begin my message to you with the continued good news that Elizabeth still has no COVID symptoms. She and I will be going for a test either today or Monday and anxiously await more good news. If she remains in the clear, I will excitedly return to the altar next Sunday. Thank you for your prayers.

On this day after Thanksgiving, I pray that you had a blessed, happy, and restful day - however you may have celebrated. Our family opted for a different sort of Thanksgiving with lasagna and a favorite movie marathon. It was treasured time, in a new way. And we stayed in our pajamas all day long!

I would be remiss in not taking an opportunity to offer my utmost appreciation to Sandra, Margie, Susie, and John - who brilliantly stepped in last Sunday with an offering of Morning Prayer. I'm thankful for their ability, their flexibility, and their willingness to do so again this Sunday.
Dear ones, it's hard to believe that Advent is upon us already. In some ways the year has flown by in the blink of an eye. In other ways it feels a decade long. I remind you as we step into the four Sundays of Advent of their traditional themes of: Hope, Peace, Love, and Joy. These themes are ones we urgently need in our lives in these days. I look forward to unfolding these themes with you in our Scripture readings over the next four Sundays.

This Sunday the first candle of the Advent wreath will be lit and a short prayer offered. The Advent wreath is a long standing tradition of the HOME and gradually was incorporated into church services as well. An Advent wreath can be a simple, meaningful way for you to pause and anticipate the birth of the Savior. All you need is 4-5 candles and a wreath of any sort. The simple act of lighting a candle and pausing to be with God can be powerful, especially on these days where the darkness of the night continues to grow longer with each day. If you'd like to include the simplest liturgy I suggest you print this one page insert that offers a short Scripture reading and a prayer. Advent is a wonderful time to pause, to expect, to reconnect with hope. I pray for that for all of us.

Be well friends. Wear your masks. Say your prayers. And be blessed. Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226