News from the Red Doors - December 4, 2020

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

It is an amazing blessing to St. Paul's that our annual stewardship campaign yielded results comparable to and a bit higher than last year. Even amidst the pandemic, the faithful saints at St. Paul's are committed to supporting our Episcopal presence here in the city of LaPorte. Thank you! Thank you from the bottom of my heart and with the appreciation of everyone who is able to worship here because of your generosity.

Our pledge commitments for the current year of 2020 are $91,608. The pledge commitments for next year, 2021, are $93,476. This includes two new pledging households and five households that still have an opportunity to be included. (Please feel free to drop off your pledge at any time!)

Our next steps include our dedicated treasurer, Sue, putting together a draft budget for 2021 based on the known expenses we expect to incur. This year's spending, year to date, indicates our known expenses will be higher than our pledge amount. We have experienced this before. We are blessed with investments that can be used, ONLY when necessary, to balance the difference. We will project that amount and be thankful for those monies when we need to use them. Your leadership team is frugal and careful with all of the time, talent, and treasure for which we are stewards!

One last wonderful note, which I can share now, is the rectory will have a tenant beginning January 15th. While we are still in the final stages of signing the lease agreement, the new pastor of The Presbyterian Church and her family will be moving in! The lease is for 6 months only at this point as they hope to buy a home in the area, but it's a start. Please pray for Pastor Jane's safe arrival to LaPorte and for her family to feel welcome in our beloved rectory.

Some newsletters are full of practical ideas while some are more heavily spiritually focused. So I leave you with these two notes:

  • I am on vacation Monday-Saturday of this week. If you have a pastoral emergency, you may still call me. I'm not going out of town.

  • As you reflect up this unique Advent season, keep these words from our Epistle reading from 2nd Peter this Sunday in mind ... Therefore, beloved, while you are waiting for these things, strive to be found by him at peace, without spot or blemish; and regard the patience of our Lord as salvation.

Be well friends. Wear your masks. Say your prayers. And be blessed.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226