News from the Red Doors - January 1, 2021

Annual Meeting Announcements

The nominating committee has proposed the following to be elected at the annual meeting, Sunday, Jan. 24:

Senior warden: Jean Burns
Junior warden: Tom Konieczny
Vestry member: Linda Baker and ??

One more vestry member candidate is needed, please call Sandra Provan, 362-5618, if you would be willing to serve.

Related to this announcement are a few more details about the meeting itself.

  • According to my preliminary count of individuals in the Parish Directory who remain active members (which is everyone who hasn't told us explicitly they will no longer attend St. Paul's), we have approximately 55 members on record who can vote. Quorum at this number is 28 people.

  • Our meeting will be conducted in the church nave, directly after the Eucharist. (Everyone will remain in their seats.) We will make every effort to shorten the service. The priest's pastoral address will be given at the time of the sermon.

  • All reports will be documented and sent electronically prior to the service, and offered as hard copy on that morning.

  • Anyone willing to join via Zoom is welcome to do so. We will do our best to ensure the best quality of voice and picture possible.

  • It will be important that you make every attempt to attend this meeting, either in-person or electronically, so that we can elect our new officers/vestry and pass our budget.

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

First things first, Happy New Year ... and be careful on those roads today if you're leaving the house. Freezing rain is NO joke.

Second, you've likely heard the news that LaPorte County has been elevated to RED status in terms of its (1) weekly cases per 100,000 residents and its (2) 7 day all tests positivity rate for COVID. The state metrics can be found here:

Assuming this day would eventually arrive for LaPorte County, we discussed this at our October vestry meeting and agreed we would continue offering in-person worship in red status. Our Diocesan guidelines allow us to make that decision ourselves, as long as we are following the state and county guidelines. Our state guidelines indicate that no more than 25 people may gather when a county is in red status. (We have yet to have more than 25 people attend one of our pandemic services, as a point of reference.) And we are being as safe as we can possibly be!

All of this is to assure you that we will still have church on Sunday, and will be celebrating the Feast of the Epiphany (transferred from 1/6/21), with Epiphany Tea to Go as well! We will continue with our COVID gathering precautions and will always do our best to ensure everyone's health and safety.

  • If the red status makes you uncomfortable, we understand. Stay home and join us online.

  • If you have even the slightest thought you may not feel 100%. Stay home and join us online.

  • If you have socialized (intentionally or otherwise) with people who may have 'risky' COVID behavior. Stay home and join us online.

  • And if you want to be with us in-person - register, grab your mask, and we'll see you Sunday!

God hears our prayers wherever we may offer them! (As a side note, if you'd like to attend but would prefer not to receive communion while we're in red status, I completely understand and will never be offended by that. We each must make the very best decision for ourselves during this time.)

Dear ones, it is now 2021 and many of us have hopes this year will be amazingly better than 2020. I offer those prayers right alongside of you! The mystical tick of the clock that welcomed 12am 1/1/21 does not make the nightmarish events of 2020 disappear, however. We must still remain present; be the light of Christ; wear our masks; make our best decisions about how to keep ourselves and our friends/family safe, especially as it relates to coming vaccination possibilities; and LOVE each other. Please know that we all wade into these waters together on this New Year's Day.

Blessings to you as we hope and pray for a beautiful 2021!

Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226

PS. Don't forget to pick up your Epiphany Tea to Go on Sunday, or let Sandra know you'd like one saved for you or delivered to you.