News from the Red Doors - January 8, 2021

Annual Meeting Announcements

The nominating committee has proposed the following to be elected at the annual meeting, Sunday, Jan. 24:

Senior warden: Jean Burns
Junior warden: Tom Konieczny
Vestry member: Linda Baker and ??

One more vestry member candidate is needed, please call Sandra Provan, 362-5618, if you would be willing to serve.

Related to this announcement are a few more details about the meeting itself.

  • According to my preliminary count of individuals in the Parish Directory who remain active members (which is everyone who hasn't told us explicitly they will no longer attend St. Paul's), we have approximately 55 members on record who can vote. Quorum at this number is 28 people.

  • Our meeting will be conducted in the church nave, directly after the Eucharist. (Everyone will remain in their seats.) We will make every effort to shorten the service. The priest's pastoral address will be given at the time of the sermon.

  • All reports will be documented and sent electronically prior to the service, and offered as hard copy on that morning.

  • Anyone willing to join via Zoom is welcome to do so. We will do our best to ensure the best quality of voice and picture possible.

  • It will be important that you make every attempt to attend this meeting, either in-person or electronically, so that we can elect our new officers/vestry and pass our budget.

A Note from Your Senior Warden

I was surprised to find the U.S. government had deposited $600 in my bank account this week. If, like me, you do not need it to keep body and soul together or pay your rent, might I suggest you give a tithe to St. Paul's? I am grateful for all God's goodness so I have given an extra $60 above my pledge.
I hope you will consider doing the same.

God bless,
Sandra J Provan
Senior warden

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

We were pleased to learn on Tuesday of this week that because of the PPP loan provided to the Diocese of Northern Indiana, each faith community was provided a one-month break from paying their diocesan assessment. (See above video from Bishop Doug.) It was a joyous discovery that we greatly appreciate.

That same exact day we also learned that the yearly fee we've paid to have our lifts down to the basement and up to the bathrooms inspected did NOT in fact cover our lift/elevator permit with the Indiana Department of Homeland Security. In fact, apparently we are more than 10 years delinquent! Thankfully we will have our January gifted month of Diocesan assessment to apply toward this bill. There is ALWAYS something to learn around a church! We are eager to have this corrected and be in compliance. We are thankful to have January's assessment to apply toward it!

Beginning this week I am happy to share that our Parish Administrative Assistant, Mike Konieczny, who has faithfully been producing our bulletins for more than two years, will begin handling our Sunday in-person registrations. I am thankful to Mike for his willingness to give this a try, especially as he balances his other full-time employment. The process will remain essentially the same for us, except we request that you register by Friday at 5pm. By Saturday morning Mike will download the registrations and send your confirmation email. And don't worry, a few reservations will always be saved for walk-ins. Please do try to register if you plan to attend, however.

Lastly, and certainly most importantly, regardless of how you voted in the most recent election, I imagine you are mortified by the events that occurred at our Capitol building on Wednesday during the verification of the electoral college votes. What started as a seemingly peaceful first amendment right to free speech protest turned violent and scary for many. As I watched the events unfold I had to keep reminding myself that it was OUR Capitol in the news.

Now, more than ever, is a time for us be in prayer for a peaceful transition of power. We must pray for and look for ways to unite our country, including the people in our own lives. We must petition God to protect our nation from our enemies during this time when leadership is so fractured. This isn't about who is or isn't, should or should not be president. This is about protecting our country and our government through urgent and much needed prayer.

If you are feeling particularly despondent, or have 10 or so minutes or time, I recommend you find a quiet place, light a candle, and offer The Great Litany. ( or page 148 in the BCP). If you have only a few moments to squeeze in an extra prayer, try one of these:

28. In Times of Conflict (BCP pg. 824)
O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us,
in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront
one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work
together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus
Christ our Lord. Amen.

17. For the Nation (BCP pg. 207)
Lord God Almighty, who hast made all the peoples of the earth
for thy glory, to serve thee in freedom and in peace: Give to
the people of our country a zeal for justice and the strength
of forbearance, that we may use our liberty in accordance
with thy gracious will; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who
liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Friends, it will take all of us praying for healing and reconciliation AND leaving room for it in our lives to affect the change so desperately needed at this time in our nation's history. Let US lead the charge for prayer.

Be well friends. Wear your masks. Stay safe. And PRAY!

Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226

PS. Next Tuesday/Wednesday 1/12-13 I will be joining my Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program cohort (virtually) and will not be in the office nor responsive to emails.

Our Epiphany Tea to Go was a SUCCESS!

While we would have much preferred to have offered our traditional in-person celebration of our Epiphany Tea, our pandemic-mandated version was a wonderful success. Thank you to Margie Bender for preparing and presenting this lovely treat for us. We look forward to next year (hopefully) enjoying it in person!

Vestry Minutes - December 2020

The Vestry of St. Paul's met live and by ZOOM on Tuesday, December 15th.
Present were: Mtr. Michelle Walker, Sandra Provan, Tom Robinson, Margie Bender, Tom Konieczny, Gloria Armstrong, Vickie Floyd, Sue Cummings, and Bruce Burmeister. Joining by ZOOM were Sally Glynn, Wayne Woodrick, and Susie Richter.

The November minutes were approved by email.

Treasurer's Report- Cummings sent out a report by email. A discussion was held. $1000 was donated to the Salvation Army. Robinson moved to accept the report. Floyd seconded. Motion Passed. The Proposed budget for 2021 was also discussed. New income includes rent from the Rectory. Payroll is being done once a month instead of twice. Various funds will be taken from the Edward Jones account as needed, instead of budgeted. An example given was maintenance. There was also discussion concerning finding a less expensive insurance. The budget will be approved in January.

Priest's Report- Mtr. Michelle reported that John Gouwens, organist, has made a proposal for organ maintenance. It will cost $3,280 of which John would like to donate $1000, and the rest would come from the Winters Memorial fund. Cummings moved to accept, Robinson Seconded. Motion passed.
The logistics of the Annual Meeting was also discussed. It was decided it would be held in the sanctuary, with special seating and social distancing. Some members can also join by ZOOM, as long as there is a quorum for elections .. Also, the meeting needs to be short.

Senior Warden- Provan gave the report of the nominating committee. The slate is as follows:
Senior Warden, Jean Burns.
Junior Warden, Tom Konieczny.
Vestry member- Linda Baker.
Still looking for one more Vestry member.
The Boy Scouts will let us know when they want to meet again. Will be meeting with the Cub Scouts on December 17th. One volunteer is needed to take a 90-minute Suicide Prevention training that will be offered online, on demand. (Vickie Floyd volunteered to do this after the meeting.)
Junior Warden- Robinson reported the rectory is ready to be rented. The sunroom has been painted and a new fan is installed. Konieczny offered to take out any remaining furniture. Misc.- December 16th, the exchange air system will be finished. Reminder of the Vestry Retreat scheduled for February 20th. Konieczny thanked Provan and Robinson for all their work as the Wardens, especially through this difficult time.

Next meeting will be January 19th.
The Lord's Prayer was the closing prayer for the meeting ..
Adjourned 6:53 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Susie Richter, Clerk to the Vestry