News from the Red Doors - January 22, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

On Wednesday, January 20th, I breathed the largest sigh of relief when the Inauguration was complete without incident. As a firm believer in prayer, I am thankful that our prayers helped this important transition of power to take place. The words spoken during the address and the actions taken within the first few hours all bring me hope. This is clearly only the beginning. We must continue to pray for our leaders, our government, and our nation - with HOPE in our hearts!

On another note, as you've likely heard by now, this Sunday is our annual meeting! I am excited for our meeting, despite the challenges of holding it in a pandemic. I think our ability to continue conducting the business of St. Paul's in the midst of all the other challenges in our lives right now is a testament to the strength and resilience of our congregation. We deserve to take pride in our tenacity, in our ability to be more flexible than we previously imagined ourselves, and in our love for God and each other. Thank you for continuing to love God here at St. Paul's!

Be well my friends. Wear your masks. Stay safe. And PRAY! I'll see you many of either in-person or virtually this Sunday. Have a blessed day!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226