News from the Red Doors - January 29, 2021

From Your Senior Warden, Jean Burns

It is a privilege to be elected Senior Warden of St. Paul’s. Thank you for once again for trusting me to represent each of you as Mother Michelle and the Vestry plan and carry out our church’s goals for the coming year. As most of you know, I was the Senior Warden when Father Paul was called to St. David of Wales Episcopal church in Denton, Texas. Unfortunately, this was the same time that Bob was fighting cancer and that we were about to sell our home of 51 years, purchase a new home, and move. After discussion and prayer, he and I determined that there was little possibility that I could carry out the demanding role of Senior Warden during the search for a priest. As a result, I submitted my resignation. Of course I had no way of knowing that the search would take as long as it did, nor that a pandemic would multiply the challenges.

How blessed we were at St. Paul’s when Sandra Provan agreed to accept the responsibilities of Senior Warden. All of us, I in particular, are indebted and grateful for her years of faithful work and leadership. I cannot begin to calculate the hours, the worries, the decisions, the stress that she has shouldered for all of us. Perhaps most amazing is that during such a trying time so much was achieved. God was with us and remains with us.

Mother Michelle has already been a wonderful blessing to St. Paul’s. She quickly and effectively adapted to the challenge of continuing meaningful, safe worship in spite of the pandemic, a feat unmet by many, perhaps most, far larger congregations. She has made every effort to get to know us, our traditions, our history. She has demonstrated her gratitude for the support of the laity and of John Gouwens, our gifted organist. I do believe that she and Joe have returned to the church home they love. I look forward to all that I can do to help Mother Michelle succeed and for St. Paul’s to thrive.

God’s blessings, Jean

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

For those of us who have enjoyed praying compline at the end of a day, or at the end of every day, we will find comfort in the Song of Simeon that appears in the Gospel passage this Sunday for the Presentation of our Lord.  These 6 short lines offered by the "righteous and devout" man who waited for some indeterminant amount of time at the temple steps are profound at any time of the day, especially as we near to sleep (daily OR eternal).

Lord, you now have set your servant free *
   to go in peace as you have promised;

For these eyes of mine have seen the Savior, *
   whom you have prepared for all the world to see:

A Light to enlighten the nations, *
   and the glory of your people Israel.

For Simeon, his life's work was complete at seeing the Christ child. It's clear from his words that he was fulfilled and that whatever might come next for him was an extra bonus. He is at peace regardless of whether his life lasts another minute or another couple of decades.

I often think of this passage, reflect upon this peace as my day comes to a close, or even in quiet moments when extra peace is most welcomed in my life. I hope you also have that sense in these long nights of winter ... that we are surrounded by God's peace, always. Be well and see you soon!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226