News from the Red Doors - March 12, 2021

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This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

On Wednesday, during a Diocesan/Parish leadership call, we heard some wonderful news about singing.  We learned that medical experts now believe singing can return to church, observing the following guidelines:

  • Masking and social distancing must be maintained (as we are already doing).

  • Singers must sing at a quiet or soft level (like a normal speaking voice).

As long as these guidelines are met, we are welcome to begin singing again! Isn't this the most joyful news we've heard in a long time? I have included the document Bishop Doug prepared in conjunction with Dr. Poland here in case you'd like to read the full details.

Now, before we reinstate this fully we would like to check-in regarding how YOU feel about this. Please share your opinions regarding singing in this short survey, by Monday end of day. I will tally the results in time for our Tuesday afternoon Worship Committee meeting where we will determine our plan. Thank you for taking the time to offer your opinion.

We also heard from the CDC this week that fully-immunized people may now gather without wearing masks. We will NOT be implementing this guideline at this time, for many reasons. We all look forward to the day when masks are no longer required. It's not quite yet though. (As a side note, I received my second Pfizer vaccination on 3/3. I am considered "fully immunized" by 3/17.)

In other exciting news, we have decided to offer TWO services on Easter Morning:  a 7:30am Spoken Word Eucharist and a 9am Holy Eucharist with music.  We recognized our current seating capacity doesn't allow for everyone to attend on Easter and we want to ensure each of you are able to attend.  Please consider the earlier service, as you are able, since 9am is more hospitable to visitors.  (Wouldn't it be nice to have a few?!?)

Lastly, mark your calendars for Thursday evening, May 6th, for a Renewal of Ministry with the Welcoming of New Pastor service, often referred to as an Installation Service.  Bishop Doug presides over this beautiful service that welcomes a new pastor/priest to a faith community.  Although it's typically done in the first months of a new call, due to the pandemic we have sent May 6th as a date shortly after our one year anniversary together.  I pray you will attend.  More information will be shared in future newsletters.

As we continue to journey through Lent, please know that your leadership team is busily working to ensure we have the most lovely Holy Week and Easter celebrations possible in these times.  We are praying for YOU and we appreciate your prayers for US.   

Prayers and blessings to you,
Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226