Holy Week Notes and Registrations

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Holy Week Notes and Registrations

Dear St. Paul's Family,

As we traverse the commemoration of Jesus' last days of earthly life, may we be grounded and certain in the knowledge of his mission to offer himself for our salvation.  May we walk this week more intently.  May our prayers take us deeper.

And on this Tuesday of Holy Week, in addition to sending the sign-up links for our upcoming services, please consider the following:

  • Maundy Thursday - Our Maundy Thursday remembrance of the institution of the Eucharist, of Jesus' teaching us to be servants to each other by the washing of feet, and of his instruction of the greatest commandment (to love one another as Jesus has loved us) will happen as in the past with one exception.

    The Altar of Repose, where the Blessed Sacrament will be available for viewing and prayer, will be placed at the space between the altar rails at the front of the church. This will allow each person to view the altar while offering prayers in their own seats. Everyone is welcome to stay after service as long as they would like, until 10pm. Upon leaving the worship space, please feel free to walk past the altar and reverence the sacrament with a bow. We will NOT offer a place to kneel there for private prayer this year due to pandemic guidelines. Once everyone has left, the church will be locked for the night.

  • Good Friday - This service is a powerful and somber remembrance of Jesus' death on the cross and our complicity (via our sinful human nature) in his need to be there. Spiritually, this service brings me to my knees, and leaves me there until the resurrection can be celebrated. This year there will be two differences in our traditional observation.

    Instead of coming forward to venerate a cross one by one, we will each receive a small olive wood cross that fits neatly in the palm of our hand. This cross will be our tactile remembrance and veneration during this pandemic season. It will also travel with us from that service until the resurrection. Keep it in your pocket as a reminder of the solemnity of the hours Jesus remained in death on our behalf.

    Secondly, when Holy Communion is offered on this day it is from the sacrament that is reserved from our Maundy Thursday Eucharistic celebration. Consecration of the elements is not permitted on the day Jesus offers himself on the cross. Holy Communion is an optional element of this specific service. In consultation with the Worship Committee, and at my request, we will NOT offer communion during this service. If this is new to you, notice how it feels to be bereft of the sacrament during this service. Observe how the lack of that spiritual nourishment affects you on this day, and in the hours until resurrection. Sit with that lacking, that discomfort until Easter morning. And then rejoice all the more when you receive the precious body of Jesus on resurrection morning.

We are privileged to be able to meet in person, to worship our Lord, to SING, and to be in community in the midst of the long haul of the pandemic.   St. Paul's is far ahead of the curve in terms of worshiping in-person and singing.  And we are doing this safely.  I share this not only to brag on us a bit, but also as a reminder there are many people in our lives missing church.  We have two Easter services and a maximum capacity of 110 people over those two services, not to mention our live stream offering.  Make it a priority to find someone to invite to our Easter celebration.  It's going to be lovely and wouldn't it be nice to have the church filled (according to our pandemic guidelines)?

Lastly, stay safe my friends.  While the initial waves and absolute terror of the pandemic are behind us, the reality of a "return to normal" at an exact moment in time is unlikely.  Continue to observe the guidelines that keep us most safe by wearing your mask in public, practicing social distancing, and taking care of yourself.  While many, if not most of us, have been vaccinated at this point, we don't know for certain that our immunized status can't still spread the virus and we don't know who among us might not be vaccinated.  As we worship together, we will observe all of the currently required precautions.  As you gather with friends and family personally over this time, please also remember to be safe WHILE you celebrate the miraculous resurrection.

Be well and pray well my friends.  

Wishing you a blessed Holy Week, 
Mother Michelle
priest@stpaulslaporte.org | 219-575-0226 (c)