News from the Red Doors - May 28, 2021

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This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Thanks to the revised CDC mask guidelines and the Diocesan Guiding Principles publication in response, the vestry voted on Tuesday evening to relax, but not eliminate, our masking guidelines for in-person worship. While we are all eager to be mask less, we also want to continue to exercise care and caution for everyone’s safety. Here are our approved guidelines:

Masks are:
- Welcomed and encouraged.
- Required, if not fully vaccinated.
- Requested during entry and exit movement.
- Able to be removed once seated, IF you desire to do so and are vaccinated.

We realize that not everyone is vaccinated and this is especially true of visitors and minors. We ask you to be especially hospitable in encountering these individuals and consider keeping your mask on. We also respect your decision to continue wearing your mask as much as you’d like, for whatever reason you determine, as long as you follow the suggestions above.

Additionally, the individuals serving on the altar have all been vaccinated. As such, they will also be able to remove their masks if they desire to do so. What joy the prospect of being mask less brings me! And yet, to maintain our safety precautions, I want to assure you that the blessed sacrament will not be exposed at this time without MY wearing of a mask. During the consecration I will remain without a mask and the elements will be covered as they have throughout the pandemic. Once the Eucharistic prayers are complete, I will put on a mask prior to exposing the elements (removing the lid) and will wear a mask for the distribution of communion. This seems to be a reasonable extra layer of safety that I’m happy to provide.

This day has been a while in the making and it is joyous for many of us. Even if we choose to continue wearing the mask, having the freedom to make that choice again is nice. Please know we will continue to monitor the status of the pandemic and will make adjustments as needed. Thank you.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Weekend. I hope to see you Sunday.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)

Join us for Chair and Church with St. Paul's, a simple gathering of St. Paul's parishioners for city events throughout the summer. This is an opportunity to spend time with the people we love, in places we love around the city. LaPorte has a variety of events to offer this summer. And the only requirement is that you bring a chair and a fun loving attitude. (Rides are available for those that prefer not to drive at that time of day.)

The first event is Cruise Night on Saturday 6/5. Bring your chair, and your St. Paul's tee shirt if you have one, and join us in front of the PNC bank at the corner of Michigan and Lincolnway. Beginning June 9th, we will gather at the Fox Park pavilion on Wednesdays to enjoy city band concerts via Arts in the Park. More details are available at our Facebook events. All are welcome ... even those who do not yet call St. Paul's their home!