News from the Red Doors - June 4, 2021

Marriage Policy Communication from St. Paul's Vestry, Wardens, & Mother Michelle

Dear St. Paul's Family,

At our May vestry meeting we dedicated an hour to discussing our Inclusive Marriage Policy Educational Sessions, our draft marriage policy, and our desire to share the important details with each of you as fully as possible. To that end, we agreed to draft a letter from the vestry to ensure we are all on the same page. Here are a few key things to know.

  1. In 2018, the General Convention of The Episcopal Church passed Resolution 2018-B012. In essence, the wording surrounding the same-sex liturgies for marriage indicates “that all couples have convenient and reasonable local congregation access to these rites”. This means any same gender couple in a parish that desires to be married in their parish will receive full privilege to do so. The parish can’t prohibit the service. If the clergy of the parish is unable or unwilling to perform the service, another clergy will be located to do it.

  2. We realize that most of our St. Paul’s family was likely unaware of this Resolution and how it impacts our congregation directly. For this reason, we held the 4/20 and 4/27 Educational Sessions with Bishop Doug and have taken our time to discuss this in relation to our Marriage Policy.

  3. At our May vestry meeting, each vestry member present discussed their understanding, their perspective, their hopes, and their fears related to an Inclusive Marriage Policy. Above all, each of us is faithfully praying for these conversations to bring us all closer as a community and to demonstrate God’s unconditional love in all circumstances.

  4. A draft marriage policy was generated based on examples of other polices and submitted to the vestry for review. The only reference to gender is in the phrase “any couple” as in “This marriage policy shall apply to any couple wishing to be married at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church.”.

  5. The remainder of the policy details the state, denominational, and diocesan laws/canons that apply. It also lists a desire that any couple wishing to be married at St. Paul’s have existing or planned membership at our parish. This is particularly important to Mother Michelle, as clergy. Weddings and wedding preparation take time that is well invested in the life and loving relationships of our members.

  6. Mother Michelle has indicated her intention repeatedly that (she and) St. Paul’s is thrilled to perform wedding ceremonies for our parishioners. Mother Michelle has also indicated she has no intention of promoting St. Paul’s as a wedding chapel and there are currently no wedding ceremony requests at this time.

  7. Lastly, Mother Michelle indicated that should one of our parishioners ask her to officiate a same gender marriage ceremony she is willing to do so, assuming the requirements of the Marriage Policy have been met.

We recognize these conversations have not been easy. Many circumstances, including being without dedicated clergy for nearly 2 years, have put us behind in having these important conversations. THANK YOU to those of you that have stepped into the conversation faithfully. It is important to us that each St. Paul’s family member feels he or she has had an opportunity to learn, process, share, and pray about this.

In June we will vote on the Draft Marriage Policy. The vestry would love to hear your thoughts on the policy prior to the vote. The policy is open for debate and wording. Whether or not St. Paul’s will someday host a same gender wedding was decided in July of 2018 in Austin Texas; and we are simply catching up to that General Convention decision. That has been an eye-opening revelation to many of us.

Please feel free to reach out to any vestry member, or Mother Michelle directly, if you’d like further information or to engage in conversation. It is important to us as leadership that each person desiring to share his or her perspective has an opportunity to do so.
In faithful service,

The Vestry, Wardens, & Priest of St. Paul’s Episcopal ChurchJean Burns (Sr. Warden), Tom Konieczny (Jr. Warden), Gloria Armstong, Linda Baker, Bruce Burmeister, Vickie Floyd, Sally Glynn, Susie Richter, David Sirugo, Wayne Woodrick, Mother Michelle Walker

Our first event is this Saturday 6/5 at 6pm in front of the PNC bank at the corner of Michigan and Lincolnway for Cruise Night. Beginning June 9th, we will gather at the Fox Park pavilion on Wednesdays to enjoy city band concerts. More details are available at our Facebook events. All are welcome ... even those who do not yet call St. Paul's their home!