News from the Red Doors - September 11, 2020

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This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

I am thrilled to share with you that LaPorte County has finally fallen into the Yellow category which means we can have more than 10 households!  Praise the Lord!  Up to 32 people, if we have 8 sets of couples, may attend our celebration of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, 9/13.

The seating chart, as it has been designed to accommodate social distancing, is pictured above.  If you'd like to join us for church this Sunday, please sign up here or call Sandra at 219-362-5618.  Please remember our guidelines for attending all services (detailed here).  We ask you to arrive early, remember to wear your mask, use your hand sanitizer, and refrain from hugging (no matter how badly you might like to do so).

In other exciting news, the Commission on Evangelsim hosted the first of six Embracing Evangelism workshops.  If you missed it, but would like to see what it's all about, you can watch the video on the Diocesan Facebook page here.  And if you're brave enough to join the Zoom group, our next gathering is Wednesday 9/23 at 5pm and you may register here.

Although a short week, this has been an extremely full one.  I'm blessed to have in-person visited with a couple of you and conducted phone interviews with more than 10 of you.  I enjoy hearing your stories and beginning to learn a little about your lives.

Please know that you are in my prayers and I look forward to many years of ministry with you!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

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Tech Grant Update

The Center for Congregations, who funded our Technology Grant, hosted a Zoom with other grant recipients to discuss how the grants have impacted our congregations on Thursday 9/3.  I expressed our DEEP gratitude for their support.  I'm not sure how we could have implemented our live stream without them.  The Center is an amazing resource for congregations in all of Indiana.

On a related note, we have made the decision to use some of our grant monies to consolidate our two internet providers into one so that at the end of the grant year we will be better positioned to sustain our live stream and other technology initiatives indefinitely.  This will involve some wiring from the church to the office and a few pieces of equipment.  Stay tuned for more details in the months to come!


The Stewardship Committee, chaired by Margie Bender, is pleased to announce our campaign this year will be a St. Paul's version of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship's (TENS) Faith-Filled Generosity.  While our official campaign launch isn't until October 4th, we wanted to provide you a preview of the logo (above) and let you know we are diligently working on the details.  As you've read in previous emails, we are pleased to have launched an online giving portal as part of this program.  Stay tuned for more details.

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Our Online Giving Portal
The link for our St. Paul’s specific giving portal is and can be found via the DONATE button on the upright corner of our website (

Please note a $0.30 per transaction fee + 2.9% of the total is incurred when giving online, which you may choose to cover or we will happily do so in order to receive your contribution.