In case I haven't mentioned this previously, I am grateful to Mike Konieczny and his "Ministry of the Sign". This verse should be on our hearts and lips continuously!
This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker
Dear St. Paul's Family,
I am so happy to share with you that we can again have 32 people in church this Sunday! That means most of you that haven't been able to attend due to restrictions CAN!
It's possible you may have settled into different routines on Sundays during this long time of social isolation, but we miss you at church. And we are taking your safety extremely seriously ... just ask anyone who's attended! Please consider joining us in person, IF you feel healthy and secure enough to do so. And if in-person is a stretch for you at this time, we will continue live streaming on Facebook indefinitely! Join us either way!
Now, IF you are planning to attend in person, there are a couple of reminders:
Wear a mask. Stay socially distanced. Stay home if you have any symptoms of illness or think you may have been exposed.
Register here or call Sandra at 219-362-5618 to ensure you have a seat.
When you arrive, please wait at the door for an usher. We are implementing a seating chart to facilitate the restrictions we have regarding where 1 or 2 people can sit. Please be patient with us; don't blame the usher, blame COVID-19; let Mtr Michelle know if your seat is unsatisfactory (for your next visit).
Don't forget to pick up a bulletin as you are walking to your pew. They are on a table at the front pew, next to the Offering plate.
As much as you'd like to socialize afterwards, please leave directly once the Postlude is over. You may use either the Harrison Street or Michigan Avenue (red doors) as an exit. You are welcome to talk to people, socially distanced and masked, on the sidewalk as you'd like.
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your patience with all of this. I know this isn't the same way you've always enjoyed church BUT the same God welcomes you to the altar and the same people are around to greet you, even if from a distance.
I hope you are enjoying this Fall weather and that I will see you soon. Remember, I'm never more than a phone call a way for a listening ear or a prayer!
Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226
August Financial Update
Our Treasurer, Vestry, and I have been talking about transparency in regards to all matters of church business. We want to keep you informed at all times, as much as possible. In that light, we have decided to provide you once monthly a Condensed Financial Overview, pictured below.
We have tried to keep it as simple as possible, while providing you the necessary details. Your feedback is welcome, especially in terms of format, content, and questions.
Also, if you'd like to review the full Vestry packet, which includes a more detailed Treasurer's Report, those are available on our website here: (Scroll down and look for link on the right.)
Thank you for loving and supporting St. Paul's in the many ways you do so, including understanding our financials more deeply as well!