News from the Red Doors - July 2, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

On Wednesday night, as a handful of us gathered (between raindrops) for our Chair and Church event at Fox Park, I reflected upon how much I appreciated Mike Konieczny's initiative to put together these gatherings. While I will never diminish the power and importance of gathering for the Eucharist, I also realize that what makes us community is the conversations we have while enjoying a concert, serving a community meal, or cleaning up the church property during Spring clean-up. It is in the joking, the praying, the crying, and the working together that we learn about each other and become more faithful followers of Christ.

I've heard people who don't attend church remark that "they wouldn't mind going to church if it weren't for the people". If I'm honest, I've felt that way myself at different times in my life (definitely not NOW though!). What I've realized in this sentiment is that people find their own peaceful solitude comfortable. I find no blame there. And yet, I know that some of the most important lessons I've learned about myself and my faith have happened when my personality bumps up against that of the people around me. I've seen the light of Christ in the eyes of people that have hurt me ... as well as in the eyes of those people I have hurt. I've learned lessons in forgiveness given and received, and forgiveness of myself for the many ways I am imperfect. I've been enlightened to perspectives I might not have considered. I've learned life lessons from others that inform my daily actions. I have been formed by the people around me. We are all formed, to some extent, by the people around us.

And so I'm thankful for our Chair and Church events. It affords me an opportunity to sit with people that I might not have opportunity to converse with otherwise. It pulls me out of my regular Wednesday evening routine. And with our red shirts, it demonstrates our commitment to each other and to Christ in a subtle but inescapable way to the people around us in the larger community. We have fun together. It is precious time, for sure

This week we have a second chance for Chair and Church - Saturday at 6pm at the corner of Michigan and Indiana. If you want to learn about old cars, come and sit near to Steve Armstrong. (I think maybe he knows every car ever made!) If you simply want to be around people who love the Lord, love each other, and want to share with and learn from each other - then bring a chair and just hang out. It's wonderful to be faith community together!

Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July weekend, no matter how you may choose to celebrate.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)
