News from the Red Doors - August 6, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

This week I, and the Worship Committee (Jean Burns, Susie Richter, Sandra Provan, John Gouwens w/ Tom Konieczny included as Jr. Warden), have agonized over whether to require masks for the entirety of the service again or not. We know the Delta variant to be twice as transmissible (according to Yale Medicine). We also know that even vaccinated individuals can become ill with the virus AND transmit it to other people (vaccinated or not). I offer this YouTube link to an interview with Dean Brian Grantz of our Cathedral in South Bend as evidence. We also remember the great joy we all felt that first Sunday we were able to take our masks off.

So this is where we've landed for now, knowing this will shift and change with each bit of new information.

  • We will continue to allow congregants to remove their masks while sitting in their pew as long as:

    1. The congregant is vaccinated and

    2. The county status according to this CDC COVID tracking website, indicates LaPorte County status as Substantial or Lower. (As long as we're not red.)

  • Anyone and everyone is welcome to mask the entire time as they desire.

  • Everyone will remain masked during any movement from the pew.

That said, the altar party and clergy will resume masking, only removing masks for preaching, communion reception, and reading at the lectern.

We are all doing our best to remain safe as the science about this virus continues to be discovered. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to make decisions with the best information available.

In other news, I'm pleased to share that our communion in both kinds process from last Sunday worked well. In fact, it worked so well that we are going to resume having people come forward for communion in general. Here are the notes from the bulletin for this Sunday:

Instructions for Holy Communion
All baptized Christians are welcome to receive communion. During this time of social distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, please note the following:

  • The priest will be masked and use hand sanitizer prior to uncovering the consecrated elements for distribution.

  • Individuals desiring communion, and who are comfortably able coming forward, are invited to proceed to the center aisle location to receive communion in either the bread alone, or in both kinds. (If in both kinds, bread first and then wine.)

  • Please put on your mask before leaving your pew and proceed in a socially distanced manner to the communion station. At the station, pull down your mask, receive communion, replace your mask, proceed to the wine station (if desired) and repeat.

  • Communion will be delivered to those individuals who indicate their desire to receive it.

  • The priest will receive communion, in both kinds, after everyone else has received.

As ministers of the altar it is our privilege to offer communion and we are happy to bring it to you in the pew if that makes receiving easier for you. Don't hesitate to let an usher know you'd like communion brought to you. The body and blood of Christ are for all of us desiring to receive it.

Be well my friends. Wear your masks more than you were wearing them. And pray, pray, pray for an end to this pandemic.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)