News from the Red Doors - August 13, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Good morning St. Paul's. I'd like to begin my message to you with an expression of gratitude for your prayers. Especially over the last week I have realized how it's much easier for a priest to give love and prayers to her congregation than it is to ask for and receive love and prayers. Thank you for reminding me that it works in both directions!

That said, I 've been sick with a respiratory virus over the last 1.5 weeks. My COVID test was negative, so it was a regular virus that leaves me, at this point, with a occasional cough. Otherwise I feel well and am not contagious. I plan to be at church on Sunday, masked except for the sermon, but will speak the liturgy to reduce my risk of coughing. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Second, as we all watch the news of the COVID Delta variant sweeping the nation, we'll also take note that LaPorte County has now gone red in terms of a High Level of Transmissibility ( Given that information, we request that you wear your masks throughout the entire service. This is not a requirement but rather the best precaution we can all take to keep each other safe. St. Paul's is a loving community. One way we continue to love each other is to do our best to keep each other safe. Thank you for doing that.

Third, we've ordered generic St. Paul's business cards to use in our evangelism efforts (see pictures below). We will bless 1,000 of these cards on 8/23, giving each of you 10 of them after the service, in an effort to share an invite to the beauty of St. Paul's easily in the community. Our request of you is to give out these cards. You can include a personal invitation with the card (verbal or written) or you can simply give them to people with a smile. The only preparation you need for this mission is to think about something you might say to a person should they ask what you love about St. Paul's. I like to call this "evangelism light"! We can do it!

Have a wonderful day friends. You remain in my prayers, especially as I look forward to being back with you this Sunday. Take care and be safe.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)