News from the Red Doors - September 3, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

For as long as I can remember I have always loved the time of year that brings the fall. Cool crisp mornings followed by delightfully warm (but bearable) days bring me joy more than any other time of the year. I hope you will find my extra optimism contagious!

So, with only ONE Sunday between now and our Celebration Sunday, WHO have you invited to church? We are praying for a wonderful celebration on 9/12 and hope to share that with a few people that we either haven't seen in a while, or ever! Let's get those St. Paul's invitation cards working!

On a personal note, I'd like to share a Walker Family update with you. A few weeks ago our family decided to extend an invitation to my mother, Sandy, to come live with us in our home. This past year of isolation has been hard on her, living alone and rather remotely in the country. As her only child, it's difficult to visit her frequently given the 200 mile distance. Additionally the demands of her property maintenance never cease. All this is to share that she said "yes" and now we have a great deal of work to do!

Our home here in LaPorte is an elevated ranch with a ground-level basement that will become the Gramma Suite. Complete with kitchenette and bathroom, she will both have her own space and be welcome in ours. As many of you know, however, downsizing from a 3 bedroom home in which she's lived for 47 years to the space we have available is going to be a challenge.

In God's perfect timing, I begin my Diocesan sabbatical on 9/19. This means from 9/19-10/23 I have (only) my 20 hour/week St. Paul's commitment for the working portion of my life. This will allow me to be more available to help my mother prepare to downsize her possessions and sell her home. I'm thankful for this gift of time.

Here's where it impacts you. With permission first from our wardens and then from vestry, I will switch my St. Paul's office days from Tuesday/Thursday to Thursday/Friday for the weeks of 9/20, 9/27, and 10/17. (From 10/5-10/12 I will be traveling with my Wabash Pastoral Leadership Program.) I will still be available by phone/computer throughout the week, but will travel to my mother's home Sunday afternoon - Wednesday afternoon.

PLEASE KNOW, during this time and always, I'm never to busy for your calls or prayer requests. Life is always full AND it is my continual joy to pray with and for you through the events in YOUR life. Nothing breaks my heart more than hearing "I didn't call because I know you're busy". Call! Call every time. I welcome what you might consider "an intrusion". Prayer is never, ever an intrusion.

Speaking of prayer, I beg your prayers for smooth transitions, for joyful resettling, and for quality time spent together as family. I know many of you have or will face decisions of this kind, both as the person taking a parent in and perhaps as the parent determining your best living conditions. I pray for each of you as well.

Lastly, I offer my utmost appreciation to all of the people who made last Sunday's Morning Prayer service so lovely. Sandra led a wonderful Morning Prayer service. Susie offered a thoughtful and inspiring sermon. John kept all of our toes tapping with his beautiful organ music. And Mike not only read, but made sure the live stream worked. Thank you to everyone who helped make it a special Sunday morning. I greatly appreciated the time away with my husband and some friends. (Although my golfing was miserable!)

And so, may the joy of the coming fall and the excitement for both Celebration and Confirmation Sundays fill you with anticipation. Wear your masks. Say your prayers. And be safe my friends!

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)
