News from the Red Doors - September 10, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Celebration Sunday is upon us! When we first discussed this more than 6 months ago it seemed so far away. And now it's here. I hope you have plans to bring a friend who will share in the joy of our beautiful liturgy. I'm so excited.

A few logistical notes ... as I mentioned on Sunday, coffee hour is a go! Bette Floyd has carefully put together a feast that adheres to all safety guidelines. That said, we hope you will choose to join us for coffee hour and when you do we ask that you wear your masks until you've reached your desired seat. And keep in mind something you love about St. Paul's, in case you are asked!

Also, if the wonderful happens and the church is fuller than the marked pews, please consider sitting with someone you are comfortable being in proximity to. Remember, we're wearing masks so please do your best to welcome our guests.

In other news, our Morning Prayer group met yesterday for the first time. It was so joyous to be together in-person after 18 months of praying via Zoom! We began our Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter book study and it's going to be GREAT! If you can possibly slip away Thursdays at 9am, join us. I'll happily order you a book. Just let me know.

There are several announcements below so I will close this portion with a request: please pray for a joyful celebration this Sunday!

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)

This year St. Paul's will be participating in the Sunflower Festival on Saturday, September 18th. We will be set up on the tree lawn in front of the church on Michigan Ave. We will be a respite for those walking around the festival. We will be offering coffee, popcorn, water, baked goods and a place to rest. We are looking for volunteers for setup, for sitting and talking to folks, and for taking things back into the church at the end of the day. A sign up sheet for volunteers and for baked goods will be at breakfast on Celebration Sunday. Please consider helping out and having a great time!

This year St. Paul's will be participating in the Sunflower Festival on Saturday, September 18th. We will be set up on the tree lawn in front of the church on Michigan Ave. We will be a respite for those walking around the festival. We will be offering coffee, popcorn, water, baked goods and a place to rest. We are looking for volunteers for setup, for sitting and talking to folks, and for taking things back into the church at the end of the day. A sign up sheet for volunteers and for baked goods will be at breakfast on Celebration Sunday. Please consider helping out and having a great time!