News from the Red Doors - September 17, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

The newsletter today is filled with many things that are important to share with you so let me begin:

Celebration Sunday - What a joyful Celebration Sunday we enjoyed last Sunday. It was terrific to see faces that aren't always with us on Sundays as well as experience the angelic voices of the choir. Our coffee hour was scrumptious and our time together catching up was precious. Thank you to each of you that helped, joined us, or simply prayed on our behalf.

Bishop's Visitation - Please don't forget we are honored to welcome Bishop Doug Sparks as our officiant and preacher this Sunday. It's always a joy to have our Bishop amongst us and even more so as we welcome John Gouwens and Tom Brown into our faith community officially. Join us if you can. It's a Sunday not to miss.

Bishop's Discretionary Fund - It is customary that the open plate offering on the day of the Bishop's visit be designated to the Bishop's Discretionary fund. We will do that this Sunday. Please be generous in appreciation of our Bishop.

Sunflower Festival - As Susie Richter told me, St. Paul's is to be a respite at the Sunflower Festival for any who want to stop. We will offer popcorn and baked goods, water and coffee, and a listening ear (with a prayer option as well). Be sure to stop by the tree lawn at 1000 Michigan Avenue if you're out and about this weekend.

Unlocked Doors ?!?! - Without assigning one bit of blame, I would like to recommend, encourage, and beg anyone who's on the property during the week to check and double check that the church doors are locked. In the last week someone arrived at the church to find the Harrison Street door unlocked AND the back alley door cracked open. We've also noticed twice that the Red Doors on Michigan Avenue appeared to be closed and locked but a small tug opened them wide. PLEASE, double check your doors before leaving. Thank you.

Community Dinners - St. Paul's is opening its doors once again to help feed the public starting in October. Be sure to sign-up for a volunteer spot for Community Dinner (need not cook to help). Sign-up sheets will be at the Harrison Street board or contact Margie Bender or Mike Konieczny for more information.

Thursday Morning Prayer and Study - What joy it has been these first two weeks to re-accustom ourselves to offering Morning Prayer at the side altar, Thursdays at 9am. As we fumble through our prayer books and shift back and forth looking for the good light, we are reminded that any and all prayer is gloriously received by our Heavenly Father. Join us if you can slip away from your daily activities.

We also kicked off, in earnest, our Bible Women study. This week we studied Eve, Sarah, and Haggar. The book is excellently arranged and we're having inspiring and thoughtful conversation. In case you're interested, but attending on Thursdays doesn't work for you, we're going to include some high points of the women we study weekly. See below for statistics on Eve, Sarah, and Haggar!

Gratitude - Last, but definitely not least, the Holy Spirit reminded me this week of just how amazingly blessed I am to be your priest. With my strengths and weaknesses, confidence and insecurities, loving attributes and those that aren't quite so loving - you have welcomed, embraced, and supported me. I am reminded that "our ministry" is really God's ministry that we all come alongside for a time. May God's ministry through St. Paul's Episcopal Church prosper in ways we can't even imagine in this moment.

Have a lovely day. And I hope to see you all over the next two days!

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)