News from the Red Doors - November 19, 2021

Vestry and Warden Opportunities

Greetings all! It's that time of year when we start planning for our leadership changes for 2022. We have been blessed with wonderful leaders and are looking for a few more. If you would be interested and willing to serve on vestry, we will welcome two new members for 2022. We are also looking for a Junior Warden for next year, with the promise of lots of assistance should you step into this role.

Please prayerfully consider whether you're ready to help St. Paul's in this next year of ministry in LaPorte. Contact Jean Burns, Tom Konieczny, or Mother Michelle with questions or to volunteer. Thank you!

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

As we prepare to celebrate the last Sunday in Liturgical Year B, and the feast of Thanksgiving, I am reminded of how exceptionally blessed we are. While November, and Thanksgiving in particular, is always a time to reflect upon how beautiful life can be, it is exceptionally true this year. We have homes, food, a safe and warm place to worship, dear friends & fellow believers, vaccinations, and the ability to be together in-person ... even for a meal. We've spent more than 1.5 years in ministry together and God keeps pressing us onward. There are new doors opening and new possibilities on the horizon. We are blessed indeed.

This Sunday as we celebrate "Christ the King" Sunday we are reminded that we worship a Savior who is indeed king in every best sense of that role AND so many more. We prepared for our Thanksgiving celebrations, whatever they may be. For some of us, Thanksgiving will be filled with lots of people we love around a common table and (perhaps) more hustle and bustle than we can bear. For others of us, Thanksgiving will be more quiet, maybe even solitary, as we remember or yearn for that hustle and bustle again. Regardless of how you spend the day, remember to count your blessings. Remember you are never alone, even when you aren't with other people. And above all, give God thanks for his magnificent glory and his deep abiding love for YOU!

I hope to see you on Sunday. We are so blessed when we are in community with each other. And don't forget that Sunday, 11/21 at 4pm we will share in our Thankfulness Dinner. Just come. It's going to be delicious!

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)

Announcements & Requests

Join us, Tuesdays in Advent, for an exploration of the Anglican Rosary. Beginning on Tuesday, November 30th, for four Tuesdays, we will gather in the church at 12:30pm for an introduction to and prayer with the Anglican Rosary. Praying with beads is an ancient and cherished practice that predates Christianity, especially by individuals who appreciate movement or tactile contact to help focus their mind.

The mother of a priest colleague has graciously and lovingly made us 30 rosaries for our prayerful journey. They are beautiful, simple, and a wonderful tool for prayer. An interesting aspect of the Anglican Rosary is that the prayers can easily be changed for the season or circumstance. For our exploration we will be using Praying with Beads: Daily Prayers for the Christian Year by Nan Lewis Doerr and Virginia Stem Owens (Amazon link here). We will be praying evening prayers specific to each week of Advent. There is no need to purchase the book to join us as we will have a printed handout for your use. You might love it so much you will be excited to have the prayers for the whole year though.

I hope you will join us for this prayerful exploration. Each gathering will last less than 30 minutes and will be broadcast on our St. Paul's Zoom and via Facebook. Rosary beads and prayer handouts will be available the first evening, Tuesday November 30th (or Sunday November 28th if requested). As we step into Advent, that season of waiting and expectation, may we do so prayerfully and with intention.