News from the Red Doors - December 3, 2021

Vestry and Warden Opportunities

Greetings all! It's the time of year when we start planning for 2022 leadership changes. We have been blessed with wonderful leaders and are looking for a few more. If you would be interested and willing to serve on vestry, we will welcome two new vestry members for 2022. We are also looking for a Junior Warden for next year, with the promise of lots of assistance should you step into this role.

Please prayerfully consider whether you're ready to help St. Paul's in this next year of ministry in LaPorte. Contact Jean Burns, Tom Konieczny, or Mother Michelle with questions or to volunteer. Thank you!

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

December is upon us. It hardly seems possible to me that Christmas is only three weeks away. What a whirlwind of a year this has been.

As I mentioned in my sermon last Sunday, Advent is a season of waiting and expectation not only for Christ's first coming as a babe in the manger but also for his second coming in all glory. In the midst of the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations we are also listening for prophetic voices, like that of John the Baptist. This Sunday and next we will hear from John, whose voice cries out from the wilderness reminding us to be ready for the Christ - ALWAYS. How are you preparing yourself this Advent? How are you readying yourself for his birth?

I hope you are praying the Advent prayers of the Anglican Rosary. I hope you are finding time to be still and be with God. I hope you are reading one chapter of the Gospel of Luke a day (Luke is the Gospel most used in Year C). But above all I hope you are noticing the Holy in the many daily moments of your life.

Be well my friends. Take time for God. And see you Sunday.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)

Announcements & Requests

Are you a saver of old Christmas cards? If so, please consider donating them to our Christmas at Sea program. The front of the cards are torn off and used to hand write notes to the mariners (to send along with their knit or crochet items).
Also, if you've made any items for donation, please bring those to church on Sunday 12/5. We will bless them for shipment early next week. Thank you.

Our first gathering was lovely and succinct. The prayers last about 10 minutes and then the church is open for private prayer afterwards. Please look for a new Facebook video Tuesday with our prayers for Advent 2.

Join us Thursdays at 9am for an offering of Morning Prayer (side altar of church) followed by a book study of Bible Women: All Their Words and Why They Matter (parish hall). All are welcome.