News from the Red Doors - August 20, 2021

From your Senior Warden
Jean Burns

With the cooperation and hard work of many, plans and events for Celebration Sunday are coming to fruition. Bette Floyd,  Mother Michelle, Mike Konieczny, Sue Cummings, Sandra Provan, John Gouwens and the Worship Committee—all have made being chairperson a privilege.  It is my hope that each of you, with family and friends, will be at St.Paul’s on this special day to worship and share fellowship.

Thanks to Susie Richter,  St. Paul’s will play an active role in this year’s Sunflower Festival. The church will be open as in previous years; the street lawn will serve as a rest stop with free water and freshly popped corn. Home baked goods will also be available with monetary donations optional. Contributions of baked goods can be brought to the Parish Hall the day before or on the morning of the event. A reminder: Bring baked goods that will withstand what is likely to be warm weather.

What an achievement! Inside the sanctuary, masks are to be worn, but, with precautions in place, we are able to partake of both the bread and the wine as we celebrate the Eucharist. What joy to walk down the center aisle once again to receive the elements.

Lay ministers are visiting the sick and shut-ins; committees are meeting in person; Bible Study is at the church. We are eager to be together once again, but we are doing so carefully and cautiously.

With care to be fiscally responsible, we have not had to draw from the endowment for some months. However, with additional maintenance and normal monthly expenses, a draw will soon be necessary. Please help by keeping your pledge current, and if you are able, by increasing it.

The Vestry is reading and discussing G. Jeffery MacDonald’s book, Part-Time Is Plenty, a resource for churches with part-time clergy.  We look forward to sharing and implementing what we learn. Already it is clear that there is a part for each of us if we are to make St. Paul’s a church of vitality.

God’s blessings, Jean

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Greetings! In case I haven't shared this with you yet, Bishop Doug Sparks is scheduled to make his official visitation to St. Paul's on Sunday September 19th. A visit from a Bishop is always a good time for special celebrations including baptism, confirmation, and reception of individuals from other faith communities. We will be blessed to officially welcome our very own organist, John Gouwens, into our faith community on that day. John has been attending confirmation classes for some months (via Zoom on Tuesday evenings) and is excited to make St. Paul's his official home. Welcome John! You already bless us with your musical gifts and now you'll bless us with your membership as well.

If you, or someone you know, is interested in baptism or reception, please let me know.

I'm also excited to share some news about our Morning Prayer service and Guest Speaker for Sunday 8/29, but I'm going to save that for next week's newsletter.

I hope you are all well. I pray for you regularly. And I remind you again that I'm available for conversation, prayer, or otherwise as you request. Have a blessed day.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)