News from the Red Doors - July 23, 2021

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul’s Family,

THANK YOU for your prayers and support as my family vacationed last week. We had a lovely time including; swims in the pool, diving for the girls, snorkeling for Joe and I, nightly family meals, and many hours (for me) of reading books just for fun. It is SO good to go on vacation and it is just as wonderful to return home. Thank you for welcoming me back to church on Sunday!

In case you haven't heard, our Mutual Ministry Review (MMR) with Susan Czolgosz was a wonderful time spent together as clergy and vestry. She listened to us intently and offered a few good suggestions. The first one we are diving into is a vestry book study on Part-Time is Plenty: Thriving without Full-Time Clergy. The priest's discretionary account was used to purchase copies of this book for each of our vestry members. Beginning in August we will study together one chapter per month, for six months. We hope to learn some exciting tips about thriving with part-time clergy. Stay tuned for updates!

By now I imagine you've heard about our Celebration Sunday on September 12th. We hope you will invite your friends and family so that we can fill the church in a way it hasn't been filled since before the pandemic. Start thinking now about who you might want to be with you to this special service. Suggestions are welcomed by Jean Burns, who is organizing the various aspects of the day.

I pray you are all doing well and hope to see you soon. Be blessed on this summer days my friends. Be blessed.

Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 (c)