August 13, 2020 Determination Letter

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Dear Kindred in Christ,

Things are looking a bit worse this week than last. One more county has moved into the Orange zone, and only one county has actually improved its situation (Yay, Steuben!). Please continue to pray for the courage and safety of all those who are forced into harm’s way by the necessity of their work and/or by economic hardship. Know that your steadfastness and your creativity in providing for the pastoral needs of your congregations are bright spots in my week and that I am always happy to work with you to find ways to turn your “crazy ideas” into a sustainable reality.

As Dr. Fauci said to the House of Bishops this past Monday, one of the most important things we can do as faith leaders in these days is to help our people avoid getting stuck in despair. It is natural to experience grief and even depression in times like these. It’s when we decide that things will never get better, however, that we cast aside sensible precautions and make things worse. The more you can encourage your faith communities to practice hopefulness, playfulness, and even a certain amount of childishness in addition to the ever-needful reverence and compassion, the stronger and more resilient you will equip them to be.  



The Rev. Canon Terri L. Bays, PhD.
Missioner for Transitions and Governance
Emergency Response NGO/Government Liaison