News from the Red Doors - August 14, 2020

Dear St. Paul's Family,

This past week has been a wonderful week of rest and time spent with family as my eldest prepares to leave for college on 8/23 and my youngest started 11th grade this morning.  I've welcomed these treasured days before a life transition for my girls.  Thank you for your prayers for safe travels.

As you've probably already noticed, or suspected, LaPorte County remains in "the Orange".  This means we will live stream only this Sunday (8/16) with our crew of 3-4.  We will be in the church on Sunday morning to do so.  Please tune into our Facebook page to watch us live.

Prior to COVID-19 (which is hard to imagine at this point), I'd had the intention of conducting a short interview with each of you as part of my getting to know you process.  I desperately wanted to conduct these in-person, and have held off from doing the interviews in hopes that we might be able to do that soon.  After the first 3 months of my time at St. Paul's I believe it prudent to cease waiting for in-person meetings and commence phone interviews.  I hope to find a time that works for you over the next month or so to ask the following questions:

  1. What do you love MOST about St. Paul's?

  2. What dream(s) do you have for St. Paul's?

  3. Tell me about a Holy Spirit moment you experienced at St. Paul's.

  4. How can I/St. Paul's better support you spiritually (or otherwise) during this time of social distancing?

These questions are simply opportunities for us to get to know each other better - to develop relationship.  You are welcome to ask questions of me as well!  I will start at the end of the alphabet (Edward and Doris Zeese, be ready!) and hope to have lovely conversation with each of you.  I'll work around your schedule to the best of my ability.

In the meantime, know that you are in my prayers.  Be safe.  Wear your masks.  Pray for an end to this pandemic and for the health of us all until then!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

PS.  Fr. John received both his St. Paul's commemorative plate and the monetary gift this past week.  He was surprised and delighted by both.  He sends his appreciation along with a note indicating the plate has been put in the traditional place of honor atop my 1918 Bush and Gerts upright piano here in my living room.  Thank you!  
