Pastoral Letter: Update Regarding In-Person Gathering (from Bishop Doug)

Pastoral Letter: Update Regarding In-Person Gathering


24 September 2020 

Dear Sisters, Brothers, Siblings, 

Grace and peace be with you in Jesus, the Light for all people! 

As of 13 September, we have lived with the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic for 6 months. Those consequences include, as of today in the United States, 7,135,603 persons who have tested positive with COVID 19 and 206,482 deaths due to COVID 19. Other consequences include the loss of employment for millions which has led the loss of health insurance not to mention the challenges for many trying to navigate online learning for their children as well as working remotely themselves or caring for a loved one in a care facility. Along the way, our missioners and I have done our best to consult with others about best practices, develop our Plan for Regathering for In-person Worship initially adopted in mid-May and identify platforms to enhance the information available regarding all of the data and measurements used to determine a way forward for us. 

In late March, I convened a Diocesan Disaster / Crisis Team comprised of Canon Terri Bays, Canon Carol Bianchini, Canon Christopher Hillak, Canon Michelle Walker and Bishop Frank Gray. We began meeting weekly via ZOOM on 6 April. I want to thank each of them for the difficult and challenging work they have done and continue to do on our behalf. In consultation with other dioceses in Province V and the wider church, we developed the Plan for Regathering for In-person Worship. Thanks to Fr.TJ Freeman, serving as Rector of Trinity Fort Wayne, in July, we were directed to the Harvard website which helped us adopt the Determination Color Code based on the number of cases per 100K in each of our counties in addition to the State of Indiana Dashboard. 

We know more in September regarding the spread of COVID 19 than we did in June which makes it possible to adapt our initial plan for Regathering. The Episcopal Dioceses in Michigan began allowing 25 % of full capacity for indoor In-person Worship, which includes the protocols of physical distancing, wearing masks, using hand sanitizer along with all the other protocols in our Diocesan Plan. In consultation with our Clergy, with the support and affirmation of our Diocesan Council and with the support of our Standing Committee, I have decided to implement the “ Michigan Adaptation” for all of our faith communities in Northern Indiana. In doing so, I want to invoke the Anglican principle, all may, none must, some should. Implementing this adaptation assumes that the clergy, wardens, and vestry of our 33 faith communities have prepared and submitted a Plan for Regathering for my review and approval. As of this writing, 24 faith communities have submitted a plan. Some of our faith communities will move to implement this adaptation this coming Sunday. Others may choose to take some time to make sure all things necessary are in place before gathering in person. What is most important to underscore is that each of our faith communities needs to listen to local officials, following their advice which may include closing if advised to do so. 

For those faith communities who choose to move to indoor In-person Worship, it is also important to underscore that this next phase should be a Hybrid Phase…both in-person and virtual worship should be offered so that everyone connected to your faith community may continue to gather. 

As I said earlier, we have learned some things since March and April. First, as we moved out of lock down, the potential for achieving a 14-day decline in some of our more populated counties is virtually impossible. Second, more testing is available in our state which gives us better sense of the positivity rate, another factor in determining the spread of the virus. Third, the state has assumed responsibility for contact tracing which initially was the responsibility of each county. 

Bishop Andy Doyle of the Diocese of Texas sent a letter to the clergy in mid-June. He discussed several important topics: exposure and moral leadership. In terms of exposure, he quoted leading epidemiologist from the University of Minnesota, Dr. Michael Osterholm who said, “Exposure as a dose is a combination of time and amount.” Exposure = time and amount. Therefore, physical distancing, mask and brevity are essential for congregations in buildings. This means as you do gather, we believe you need to keep the service short, between 30 and 45 minutes. 

Regarding moral leadership, Bishop Doyle pointed out that early in the pandemic, we were presented with two strong binary options: lockdown or do nothing. We have come to understand that moral leadership requires protocols for everyone’s safety. Hence, that is why developing your Plan for Regathering is essential and that we may need to adapt our protocols, as the circumstances change. Bishop Doyle then shared another quote from Dr. Osterholm, “We have to learn not only to die with this virus, which tragically we’ve had to do, but we also have to learn how to live with it.” 

So, my friends, what is required of all of us is wisdomattention to implementing the Plan for Regathering in your context, directed by your clergy, wardens and vestry and moral leadership

If you have any questions, please contact me or one of our missioners. We stand ready to continue to support you in any way that we can. 

I conclude, quoting Bishop Andy Doyle, in his letter to the clergy. “This is hard and difficult work. It is very difficult to do this work when your peers are not making the same choices. It is challenging when parishioners push and pull at you. I want to re-emphasize that we will support you if you open now, or later, if you close due to community spread, and when you are defending protocols against parishioner pushback.” These sentiments are also true for the wardens and vestry members of our faith communities as they try make the best decisions possible. 

Be assured of my prayer and support. This comes with a brother’s love… 


The Rt. Rev. Dr. Douglas E. Sparks
VIII Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana

News from the Red Doors - September 25, 2020

A Message from Senior Warden, Sandra Provan

As a Daughter of the King, I pray, daily, the motto of the order,

"For His sake,
I am but one, but I am one,
I cannot do everything, but I can do something.
What I can do, I ought to do,
What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do.
Lord, what will you have me do?"

I became a Daughter in 2006, when Mother Michelle (long before she was ordained) asked a few women at St. Paul's, St. Andrew's by the Lake and Trinity in Michigan City to form a chapter called The Joyful Women. As Daughters our only purpose is to pray for people and many from St. Paul's have made requests for prayers over the years.

In these months of restrictions, many of us have felt helpless, perhaps even useless, but we can all do something, especially pray. We will have the food pantry basket at the Harrison Street entrance to the church on Sundays and on the office porch Tuesdays and Thursdays, when Mother Michelle is in the office. I encourage you to bring food donations and we'll get them to the Salvation Army.

Another thing we can now do is come to church! We can accommodate 32 people, all socially distanced and it is wonderful to be back at St. Paul's, ask anyone who has attended. If you can't come, you can watch the service online. And, we can continue to make our pledge payments

Please ask yourself, Lord, what will you have me do?

God bless,
Sandra Provan
Senior Warden

PS.  A note from Mtr. Michelle ... when Sandra put the basket out on Tuesday morning (pictured left) I said "but no one even knows".  Her response was "a few people know". Boy was I surprised when I went to leave on Tuesday afternoon and discovered this generous gift (pictured right).  Good job St. Paul's.  Let's keep up the good work!

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

In my endeavors to become increasingly aware of the ways I benefit from my white privilege, I have been engaging in several different activities.  One of those is a series of webinars called Learn to Lead: Race to Justicesponsored by the Center for Congregations. (This is the same organization that gave us the Technology Grant.)

The first session was entitled Race is Fake: Racism is Real and was led by Michael R. Twyman, Ph.D.  I found his presentation fascinating as he focused specifically on the LACK OF RACE in the Bible, citing several examples.  If you'd like to review the materials:

One thing I have learned over and over again on this journey is that racism is not limited to people who intentionally try to harm or ridicule people of other races.  When defined in this way, most of us couldn't even conceive of our racism.

However, when we recognize racism in the subtle ways that our white skin opens doors for us, makes being pulled over by a policeman a scary but NOT life threatening event, or leaves us more nervous when walking down the street alone with a person of color - then we can bear witness to the ways in which we are unintentionally benefitting from our whiteness.

Please know I recognize each of us are at different places in our perspectives of racism in and around our lives.  I am simply sharing the resource with you in the event you might enjoy it.  Please also know I am always here to listen, debate, and pray with you on this topic and others.  

In other educational opportunities, the Commission on Evangelism hosted the second of six Embracing Evangelism workshops.  If you missed it, but would like to see what it's all about, you can watch the video here.  And if you're brave enough to join the Zoom group, our next gathering is Wednesday 10/7 at 5pm and you may register here.
 Lastly, on another topic close to my heart these days, I'd like to offer a prayer for us all.  As the political tensions escalate seemingly each hour of each day, we must remember our faith is in the Lord!  We must be urgently in prayer for the healing of our nation.  And we must remember that if we aren't showing the light of Christ, WHO WILL? 

I leave you with this prayer, from our BCP Morning Prayer Rite One worship.

A Collect for Guidance

O heavenly Father, in whom we live and move and have our
being: We humbly pray thee so to guide and govern us by thy
Holy Spirit, that in all the cares and occupations of our life
we may not forget thee, but may remember that we are ever
walking in thy sight; through Jesus Christ our Lord. 

Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

News from the Red Doors - September 18, 2020

In case I haven't mentioned this previously, I am grateful to Mike Konieczny and his "Ministry of the Sign".  This verse should be on our hearts and lips continuously!

In case I haven't mentioned this previously, I am grateful to Mike Konieczny and his "Ministry of the Sign". This verse should be on our hearts and lips continuously!

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

I am so happy to share with you that we can again have 32 people in church this Sunday!  That means most of you that haven't been able to attend due to restrictions CAN! 

It's possible you may have settled into different routines on Sundays during this long time of social isolation, but we miss you at church.  And we are taking your safety extremely seriously ... just ask anyone who's attended!  Please consider joining us in person, IF you feel healthy and secure enough to do so.  And if in-person is a stretch for you at this time, we will continue live streaming on Facebook indefinitely!  Join us either way!

Now, IF you are planning to attend in person, there are a couple of reminders:

  1. Wear a mask.  Stay socially distanced.  Stay home if you have any symptoms of illness or think you may have been exposed.

  2. Register here or call Sandra at 219-362-5618 to ensure you have a seat.

  3. When you arrive, please wait at the door for an usher.  We are implementing a seating chart to facilitate the restrictions we have regarding where 1 or 2 people can sit.  Please be patient with us; don't blame the usher, blame COVID-19; let Mtr Michelle know if your seat is unsatisfactory (for your next visit).  

  4. Don't forget to pick up a bulletin as you are walking to your pew.  They are on a table at the front pew, next to the Offering plate.

  5. As much as you'd like to socialize afterwards, please leave directly once the Postlude is over.  You may use either the Harrison Street or Michigan Avenue (red doors) as an exit.  You are welcome to talk to people, socially distanced and masked, on the sidewalk as you'd like.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for your patience with all of this.  I know this isn't the same way you've always enjoyed church BUT the same God welcomes you to the altar and the same people are around to greet you, even if from a distance.

I hope you are enjoying this Fall weather and that I will see you soon.  Remember, I'm never more than a phone call a way for a listening ear or a prayer!
 Blessings!Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

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August Financial Update

Our Treasurer, Vestry, and I have been talking about transparency in regards to all matters of church business.  We want to keep you informed at all times, as much as possible.  In that light, we have decided to provide you once monthly a Condensed Financial Overview, pictured below.  

We have tried to keep it as simple as possible, while providing you the necessary details.  Your feedback is welcome, especially in terms of format, content, and questions.

Also, if you'd like to review the full Vestry packet, which includes a more detailed Treasurer's Report, those are available on our website here:  (Scroll down and look for link on the right.)

Thank you for loving and supporting St. Paul's in the many ways you do so, including understanding our financials more deeply as well!

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News from the Red Doors - September 11, 2020

Pew seating chart 2020-09-10.jpg

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

I am thrilled to share with you that LaPorte County has finally fallen into the Yellow category which means we can have more than 10 households!  Praise the Lord!  Up to 32 people, if we have 8 sets of couples, may attend our celebration of Holy Eucharist this Sunday, 9/13.

The seating chart, as it has been designed to accommodate social distancing, is pictured above.  If you'd like to join us for church this Sunday, please sign up here or call Sandra at 219-362-5618.  Please remember our guidelines for attending all services (detailed here).  We ask you to arrive early, remember to wear your mask, use your hand sanitizer, and refrain from hugging (no matter how badly you might like to do so).

In other exciting news, the Commission on Evangelsim hosted the first of six Embracing Evangelism workshops.  If you missed it, but would like to see what it's all about, you can watch the video on the Diocesan Facebook page here.  And if you're brave enough to join the Zoom group, our next gathering is Wednesday 9/23 at 5pm and you may register here.

Although a short week, this has been an extremely full one.  I'm blessed to have in-person visited with a couple of you and conducted phone interviews with more than 10 of you.  I enjoy hearing your stories and beginning to learn a little about your lives.

Please know that you are in my prayers and I look forward to many years of ministry with you!


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

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Tech Grant Update

The Center for Congregations, who funded our Technology Grant, hosted a Zoom with other grant recipients to discuss how the grants have impacted our congregations on Thursday 9/3.  I expressed our DEEP gratitude for their support.  I'm not sure how we could have implemented our live stream without them.  The Center is an amazing resource for congregations in all of Indiana.

On a related note, we have made the decision to use some of our grant monies to consolidate our two internet providers into one so that at the end of the grant year we will be better positioned to sustain our live stream and other technology initiatives indefinitely.  This will involve some wiring from the church to the office and a few pieces of equipment.  Stay tuned for more details in the months to come!


The Stewardship Committee, chaired by Margie Bender, is pleased to announce our campaign this year will be a St. Paul's version of The Episcopal Network for Stewardship's (TENS) Faith-Filled Generosity.  While our official campaign launch isn't until October 4th, we wanted to provide you a preview of the logo (above) and let you know we are diligently working on the details.  As you've read in previous emails, we are pleased to have launched an online giving portal as part of this program.  Stay tuned for more details.

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Our Online Giving Portal
The link for our St. Paul’s specific giving portal is and can be found via the DONATE button on the upright corner of our website (

Please note a $0.30 per transaction fee + 2.9% of the total is incurred when giving online, which you may choose to cover or we will happily do so in order to receive your contribution.

September 10, 2020 - Determination Letter

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My Dear Kindred in Christ,

With our counties still adjusting to the consequences of school re-openings of various types, our COVID-numbers remain high. The bright spots on this otherwise shadowed horizon include St. Joseph County coming down out of the Red Zone and Marshall County coming within shouting distance of Yellow (watch your numbers the next 2 days—you just might make it!). Also inspiring are some of the plans emerging for thoughtful and creative indoor worship within the newly adjusted guidelines.

By the way, if you visit the state COVID dashboard at, you’ll notice a new tab entitled “County Metrics.” This tab lets you know the 7-day positivity rate for your county, a rate that can indicate how likely it is that folks who are infected are actually getting tested. The WHO and other health organizations have indicated that a positivity rate of under 5% is an indicator that testing is sufficiently robust to allow for confidence that a region has met reopening criteria. We will consider this information when looking at “borderline cases,” such as the question above of when Marshall County (with an excellent positivity rate of 1.65%!) crosses into the Yellow Zone.


The Rev. Canon Terri L. Bays, PhD.
Missioner for Transitions and Governance
Emergency Response NGO/Government Liaison

News from the Red Doors - September 4, 2020

This Week at St. Paul's
Mother Michelle Walker

Dear St. Paul's Family,

Evangelism ... what does it mean to you?  Is it a word you embrace and live into OR one that makes you apprehensive?  Evangelism doesn't have to be a big and grandiose gesture.  In it's most simple form it is sharing a story of your faith with someone who expresses interest.  Yes, it's about inviting people to church.  It's even MORE about inviting people to Christ.

The Commission on Evangelism of The Episcopal Diocese of Northern Indiana is hosting a series of 6 Diocesan-wide Zoom (& Facebook) events beginning on September 9th (at 5pm CDT) utilizing The Episcopal Church and Virginia Theological Seminary's Embracing Evangelism video series.  Someone YOU KNOW is hosting the first event (see below, hint ... it's ME!).

I would like to invite, encourage, beg, and implore you to consider attending any or all of these events.  In the interviews I have been conducting with many of you (so far), almost all of you DREAM of a St. Paul's church community with more people, more families ... more.  As I preached in a sermon a few weeks ago, God will perform the miracle and send us more, BUT we must also come alongside and do the work.

Will you do the work and join me in this series?  It may be the first step, of many, in growing our church.  

You are in my prayers.  


Mother Michelle | 219-575-0226 

Boiler Update

The work of replacing our previous boiler with two small, efficient, wall-mounted units is almost complete.  I (Mother Michelle) spoke to the technician today.  He was happy to share how much better and more cost efficient this new system will be.  Praise God for our ability to make this much-needed upgrade to our heating system, before it became a crisis! 

(Old boiler is pictured first, on the left, taking up most of the room; New boiler without face panels is pictured second, on the right, mounted directly on the wall.)

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Virtual Coffee Hour Enticement!

When our season of social isolation first began, I NEVER imagined it would last this long, and into the foreseeable future.  While I know we all prefer in-person communication ...
What will entice you to join our Sunday Virtual Coffee Hour @ 10:15 via Zoom?

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Need Some Morning Prayer?

Our Thursday weekly Morning Prayer recommenced yesterday and it was only missing ... YOU!  We are a small but dedicated group and would LOVE to have you join us.  We currently meet via Zoom and are now also live streaming on our Facebook page.  Please join us!

Vestry Minutes/Packet

Our vestry minutes, including Priest Activity and Treasurer’s Reports, are posted monthly on our website. Please review them as you wish.

By Law Revisions

On October 20th, St. Paul's vestry will vote to adopt/not adopt a set of ByLaw Revisions for St. Paul's Episcopal Church as summarized below:

  • Total Vestry Membership (reduce vestry size from 9 to 6 members over a period of 3 years);

  • Correct incorrect Diocesan Canonical References; and 

  • Allow for the possibility of a Virtual Annual Meeting. 

Per our current ByLaws, these revisions will be presented to the vestry at the September 15th meeting and are being shared with the parish several times prior to the 10/20 vote.

Linked here are the current ByLaws (dated June 2013) along with the full document citing each specific ByLaw Revision.  (If you have any troubles accessing the document, or simply need a printed version, please let Mother Michelle know and a copy will be mailed to you.)

The rationale for reducing vestry membership is to more closely align the number of vestry members with our current congregation size.  With a 2018 Average Sunday Attendance (ASA) of 38, having 11 people on vestry means almost 1/3 of the congregation is in leadership, at all times.  It is our hope to free up a few people to possibly engage in other ministries within the church.  WHEN our church grows, through our Embracing Evangelism studies and initiative, we can always vote to increase the number again!

The rationale for the other two changes (corrections to invalid references and the possible need for a Virtual Annual meeting in January) seem obvious given our current circumstances .

Please feel free to reach out to myself or Sandra with any questions or concerns.